Yogurt Diet
 In the world there are hundreds of the most diverse diets, meaning that there is one as quickly as possible to get rid of the hated extra kilos. Yogurt diet among all the other occupies a special place because limiting supply comfortable, and the main dairy product is also delicious. This diet goes smoothly, without stress, the result is quite sure - five to seven kilos in ten days.

 Yogurt diet: soft way to get rid of excess weight

What is yoghurt

Yoghurt - a product of fermentation of whole milk by specific bacteria colonies. Especially popular delicious yogurt has received only a few decades ago because of massive advertising the world's leading manufacturers of milk. However, this useful product Eight useful products, which you thought  Eight useful products, which you thought
   It is known to mankind for thousands of years. Close relatives can be called yogurt Indian Dahi sour milk dish, Greek Thracian milk. Chekize, Taraki matsun, Leben, metsorad, yogurt - yogurt names in different nations. The basis of the preparation of these drinks is the same technology, with local characteristics.

Historians believe that the very first yogurt prepared Thracian shepherds noticed that after fermenting milk in leather bags get new delicious product. After the conquest of Thrace Turks gradually became Turkish yogurt drink, and from this eastern country began the victorious spread of the world. The name yogurt has received from the Turkish word yaurt, which means "fermented milk".

Based on the good drink in the thirties of the XX century German nutritionist Zeyk developed a comfortable diet. On the basis of high-end resort doctors offer richer and their wives for ten days to relax and lose weight. Five-lost seven kilograms - this result was amazing, but afford such expensive might not all, though all in Zeyka resort was huge.

 Yogurt diet: soft way to get rid of excess weight

Basic principles of diet yogurt

The basic principles of yoghurt diet are simple and accessible to everyone - a balanced diet of protein, no hunger, as a basis - total weight of the yogurt in 500 ml, which should be taken fractionally 5-6 times during the day. For half an hour before a meal it is recommended reception cup of warm water. The total volume of fluid should not exceed two liters per day. This dinner is best done within 19 hours.

In the daily diet intake allowed three hundred grams of any fruit other than grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe and bananas, any dried fruit and berries, non-starchy vegetables, lean meat and fish. Salt, sugar and spices on a sudden a diet is better excluded from the diet altogether. Yogurt diets developed a lot. Alternatively, such a scheme may be receiving food rations:

  • Breakfast. One cup of yogurt plus 200 ml of pomegranate juice diluted with water.
  • Second breakfast. One large apple or two mandarin or orange.
  • Lunch. Soup of natural yoghurt with fresh cucumber, teaspoon of olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
   and greens. One hundred grams of cooked lean meat with vegetables, steamed. Cup of yogurt and 200 ml of pomegranate juice.
  • Snack. Green tea without sugar, 100 grams of fruit salad, seasoned with yogurt.
  • Dinner. Yogurt with green beans and boiled carrots. A glass of pomegranate juice.

The total calorie daily diet with such a diet is 1100-1200 kcal, because there is a rapid weight loss. Doctors do not recommend the diet for more than ten days.

 Yogurt diet: soft way to get rid of excess weight

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The apparent advantage of yogurt diet is its accessibility and convenience. Besides yogurt, allowing the use of other low-calorie foods, because such a diet is easy to carry losing weight: it is a pleasure and luxury, as yogurt, like most of dairy products, reduces the feeling of hunger. However, not all such a diet is recommended: contraindications may serve as an allergy to citrus and dairy products, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The disadvantage of the diet is a fad its individual fans: because this diet is quite varied, and the effect is fast, many people abuse the duration of the diet. As a result, there are serious metabolic disorders Metabolic disease  Metabolic disease
 . Losing weight is not difficult, much more difficult to keep him after the end of any diet.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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