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 compression hosiery
 Products from compression stockings are widely used for the treatment and prevention of many disorders, such as varicose veins Varicose veins - when to consult a surgeon?  Varicose veins - when to consult a surgeon?
 , Edema, and so on. Compression hosiery is often used for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis after surgery.


How to choose the compression hosiery

 compression hosiery
 The choice of compression hosiery products are best left to the doctor - it will help pick up stockings, tights, or compression sleeves to be a pressure force which is necessary, and it is in those areas of the body where it is needed most.

People suffering from mild varicose veins can choose a compression stockings or tights yourself. Typically, compression stockings, which is sold in drug stores and specialty stores, has a uniform pressure on the feet; knitted graduated compression often need specially ordered - after consulting a doctor. When selecting stocking primarily pay attention to the size - they should fit you perfectly; if the stockings are too tight or wide, they will be of little use. Moreover, the size of the wrong choice can be dangerous: tight stockings lead to a slowing down of blood circulation, which sometimes leads to negative consequences for health.

Instead of compression tights or stockings and socks, you can choose, but be careful - sometimes varicose veins appear directly above the elastic bands of course. If the pharmacy sells compression stockings and black skin color, and you want something more vibrant, talk to the pharmacist - Today most manufacturers of this jersey make products in different colors and even patterns and if you want you can order a bright, beautiful stockings, or tights. If you think that conventional compression stockings are not effective enough for you, consult your doctor - it will help you to choose the jersey, which will provide for you a perfect compression.


How to wear compression stockings

  • Wear compression stockings in the morning - as soon as you wake up, or when the shower will take a little obsohnet (pull tight compression stockings to damp skin is quite difficult).
  • Make sure that the fabric is distributed evenly, and never going to fold.
  • Remove compression stockings in the evening - before going to bed or before you take a shower. Moisturize the skin should also be in the evening, not in the morning - because cream, even if it is fairly well absorbed, wear stockings will be difficult.

If you are just starting to use stockings or other articles of compression hosiery in the first couple of days they should be worn only for a few hours. Then gradually increase the time to wear stockings until you can wear them all day. Thus, you gradually get used to the constant pressure on the skin - a feeling like it is not everything, and at first can cause significant discomfort.

 compression hosiery
 Always wear compression stockings if you will be a long journey, especially in the aircraft - at high altitude probability of edema and blood clots increases dramatically. If you have risk factors for the development of deep vein thrombosis before the flight is recommended not only to wear compression stockings, but also take aspirin.

Buy once, at least two pairs of compression stockings for you to wear one pair until erase the other. It makes sense to buy stockings or tights in different colors, especially if you often wear skirts and like variety.

Compression stockings or tights, ideally, should be washed every day and not less than once every two days. Do not use laundry bleach or fabric softener. It is best to wash compression stockings by hand, ordinary soap or in delicate washing operation - a simple detergent. After washing put the stockings on a thick towel and leave for ten to twenty minutes to the water glass and soaked. Then let them air dry. Compression hosiery can not be dried in the dryer for laundry or radiators; they should also be kept away from any heat sources, because at high temperatures they quickly come into disrepair.

When daily wear compression stockings, are generally well serve for a period of four to six weeks; then they must be replaced with new stockings.

If you regularly during the day feel a tingling in the limbs and / or notice that your toes change color when shooting stockings, you probably have stockings too small - must be replaced.


Who should not use compression stockings

Products from compression stockings are not recommended to wear for various skin lesions, as well as certain skin infections. If you are in the skin burns, cuts, sores or rashes Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 Consult with your doctor before you start wearing compression stockings or tights.

If because of leg or arm swelling greatly increased in size and / or purchased the wrong form, you also need to consult a doctor. Most likely, he will recommend you to start wearing bonnets of elastic bandages. Compression hosiery can be worn when the swelling subsides a bit.


Types of compression hosiery

Medical compression hosiery creates a pressure of 20 mm Hg. Article (mmHg) to 40 mmHg. Art. Any product of compression stockings with a pressure of 20 mm Hg. Art. must appoint a physician. In addition, it must regularly examine patients; after a year of wearing medical compression stockings or tights treatment is reviewed and can be assigned to more or less strong compression, or any additional therapies.

Non-medical compression stockings provide a pressure of 8 mm Hg. Art. to 20 mm Hg. Art. It is used for the prevention of various diseases in daily life and while traveling.

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