Subclinical hyperthyroidism: to early detection
 Hyperthyroidism begins gradually, sometimes unnoticed by the patient. The blood is already changing the content of thyroid hormones, and the patient is no change in your body does not feel. This is called subclinical hyperthyroidism. It is desirable to detect it at this stage.

 Subclinical hyperthyroidism: to early detection

As revealed subclinical hyperthyroidism

The diagnosis of subclinical hyperthyroidism is placed with a decrease in the blood levels of thyroid-stimulating pituitary hormone (TSH) with normal thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine - T3 and tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine - T4). As is known, using pituitary TSH acts on the thyroid gland and it regulates the secretion of hormones. If the amount of thyroid hormone is increased, the amount of TSH is reduced. During subclinical thyrotoxicosis pituitary first notices tended to increase thyroid hormone and in response reduces the secretion of their hormones. Catch the moment and begin inspection and, if necessary, treatment of the patient is in the subclinical stage is very important.

Such changes in the blood can be, and not just in thyrotoxicosis, and when taking certain medications that suppress the production of TSH (eg, when taking glucocorticoid hormones), during pregnancy and in the elderly, with severe injuries, burns, severe kidney disease.

 Subclinical hyperthyroidism: to early detection

Causes of subclinical hyperthyroidism

Subclinical hyperthyroidism is more common in older women. The cause of the disease can be both internal and external factors. Among the internal factors of primary importance for the latent Graves 'disease, the so-called early Graves' disease. In addition, subclinical hyperthyroidism occurs in multinodular goiter, thyroid adenoma, postpartum thyroiditis and medicinal.

The external factors include exposure to various drugs, for example, L-thyroxine, which is administered, for example, after removal of the thyroid gland or reducing its function. As well as in the treatment of drugs able to stimulate the development of inflammation of the thyroid gland - thyroiditis (such as alpha-interferon, iodine preparations in patients with multinodular goiter).

 Subclinical hyperthyroidism: to early detection

Signs of subclinical hyperthyroidism

Signs of subclinical hyperthyroidism may be bouts of tachycardia, tremors occurring periodically, moderately excessive sweating, excessive anxiety, irritability, insomnia. But these symptoms are erased or occasionally. Dangerous is that subclinical hyperthyroidism increases mortality, especially in the elderly, especially cardiovascular diseases. With subclinical hyperthyroidism is often so heavy cardiovascular disease as atrial fibrillation, thromboembolism. It was also found that the long duration of subclinical hyperthyroidism contributes to depletion of body's minerals and the development of osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause, which contributes to the appearance of fractures in these patients. Reduced serum TSH also promotes the formation of dementia.

In the long subclinical hyperthyroidism violated metabolism, especially fat. Such changes may cause the increase in body weight and the development of atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels  Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels
 , Which in turn leads to coronary heart disease with angina and myocardial infarction.

 Subclinical hyperthyroidism: to early detection

Treatment of subclinical hyperthyroidism

Based on numerous studies, it was found that it is necessary to carry out the definition of TSH levels among groups at increased risk of morbidity subclinical hyperthyroidism. It is women who have close relatives with thyroid disease Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?  Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?
 , Patients with diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
   the first type, and other autoimmune diseases that is caused when an allergy to their own tissue.

In identifying the patient's symptoms subclinical hyperthyroidism, first of all, find out if he does not receive replacement therapy in the form of thyroid hormone. If received, the correct dose of this drug (usually for this purpose is assigned L-thyroxine).

If the patient does not receive such drugs, it is fully examined: carry out the re-examination of blood for thyroid hormones and the pituitary gland (TSH, T3 and T4), ultrasound thyroid scintigraphy (research with radioactive iodine), if necessary - computer and magnetic -resonant tomography and puncture of the thyroid gland and some other studies.

According to a survey produced by the tactics of monitoring the patient data and (if necessary) its treatment. In most cases, the detection of subclinical hyperthyroidism at a young age in the absence of serious diseases of the sick just watching. In old age, the presence of osteoporosis, and stroke is the treatment of the underlying disease causing subclinical hyperthyroidism.

Galina Romanenko

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Article Tags:
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • Hyperthyroidism: problems with the thyroid gland
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