• Cleaning the bowel at home - self-help
  • Methods

 methods of cleansing the colon in the home

Methods for cleansing the colon in the home

Laxatives can be used for cleansing the colon at home, but only for a short time. Otherwise, you may develop dependence on laxatives and bowel will not function properly without the aid of drugs. You can take non-prescription laxative tablet or powder to clean the intestines from which the solution is prepared for oral or rectal administration. It should be noted that the most effective laxative when treating constipation, but fecal output old and may not be enough: it can be used in combination with drugs vegetable juices and herbal broths, as mentioned above.



The diet is recommended to include the following products for bowel cleansing:

  • Dates are high in fiber and other nutrients that stimulate the intestines, and reduces the risk of developing certain diseases, including colon cancer and hemorrhoids. However, they should not be abused, as in Phoenicia contains a lot of sugar;
  • Apples - these fruits are included in many diet to cleanse the bowel;
  • Yogurt with probiotics not only stimulate peristalsis, but also normalize the condition of its microflora;
  • Avocado has essentially the same beneficial properties as the dates, but it contains less sugar. In addition, it helps to reduce cholesterol levels, to normalize the blood sugar level.



Cleaning the bowel yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
   carried out within one to three days. If you want to purge a single day, the whole day is best to drink only yogurt (two liters) and water. Those who are very difficult to cope with hunger can during the day to eat a handful of prunes or figs. If you're going to spend two or three days to clean, on the first day only to drink yogurt and water, the second day in addition to the yogurt can drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, and eat one or two servings of low-calorie fruits (eg, apples or plums). On the third day, continue to drink a lot of yogurt, and enter into the diet of vegetable dishes. This bowel cleansing is necessary only to people who because of the accumulated toxins in the intestine have appeared any health problems. Most people can spend more comfortable cleaning, for example, spend a day or two on yogurt, fruit and nuts - so you can clean the intestines, almost without experiencing hunger.


The recipe for colon cleansing with cayenne pepper and lemon

Take a glass of 300 ml, and pour into it half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Add four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and add to the glass almost to the brim with warm water and stir thoroughly drink. If desired, it can also add half a teaspoon of organic maple syrup or honey. This drink can be consumed up to five times per month, on an empty stomach; people with a stomach illness before using this tool should consult a doctor.


Cleaner intestine with ginger and plantain seeds

To make this means you need 250 ml freshly squeezed apple juice, one teaspoon of dry ground ginger and the same number of ground psyllium. Combine all ingredients in a glass and drink ready to drink on an empty stomach, and immediately after that - a glass of water. Then, for four to five hours drink at least one glass of water per day. Substances contained in the seeds of the plantain, associated wastes, toxins ginger and apple juice enhances their effect. Drinking plenty of fluids helps speed purgation, and avoid pain and bloating.


Cleaning the intestinal mineral oil

Vaseline oil can be used for the treatment of constipation and bowel elimination of old fecal matter. It is recommended to take on an empty stomach, 8-15 ml, and drink a glass of water. Clean mineral oil can be for 3-5 days, no longer. Pregnant and lactating women, people with chronic medical conditions prior to use petroleum jelly need to consult a doctor. It must be remembered that, although the bowel cleansing Cleaning the bowel: raking debris  Cleaning the bowel: raking debris
   homes in most cases, is safe, improper use of certain assets could have negative consequences for health.


Cleaning the intestinal rice

Brown the risk is a rich source of dietary fiber, many vitamins and minerals. In countries where rice is a staple food, people are less likely to suffer from obesity, and often live longer. There are several ways of gut cleansing by the rice. For example, one or two days to eat only boiled brown rice and vegetables. These days you need to drink a lot of water Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for  Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for
 Otherwise contained in rice fiber lead to bloating and strong gas formation. It is also possible within five to seven days for breakfast only boiled rice, washed down with water. At lunch and dinner you can eat normal food, but it is desirable to contain at least saturated fat and simple carbohydrates. Rice is a very good absorbent - he quickly displays the body of various toxins, besides, it has antioxidant properties.

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  • bowel cleansing
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  • Preparations for cleansing the colon - that helps?