• Hyperandrogenism - male to female
  • Manifestation

 manifestation of hyperandrogenism

The manifestation of hyperandrogenism

Neuroendocrine disorders in women, leading to infertility, is an actual problem of modern medicine. The problem is not only medical but also social, including demographic importance. Infertility neuroendocrine origin, according to the World Health Organization, is 35-40% (of all cases of infertility). Androgens - a male sex hormones, which are produced by the testes in men and ovaries in women. In addition, both men and women, they are produced by the adrenal cortex.

Androgens influence the development of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as regulate the growth and development of male sex organs. They affect the metabolic processes, causing so-called anabolic effects (stimulating effect on protein synthesis in the body). In the female body androgens serve as raw materials for the formation of female sex hormones estrogen, as well as contribute to the facilitation of ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary for fertilization). In a lot of androgens on the contrary, delaying ovulation, because it does not give the egg is fully mature. In addition, excess androgens inhibits the production of progesterone (the second female sex hormone that plays an important role during pregnancy), which affects the course of pregnancy and may cause miscarriage.

Average number of primary androgen - testosterone in women is 0, 2-1, 0 ng / ml.


Causes of hyperandrogenism

Hyperandrogenism or virilism - is the appearance of a woman's body masculine traits. This occurs as a result of excessive production of androgens. Excess androgens can produce both the adrenal glands and ovaries. In addition, an excess of androgens can result from metabolic disorders.

Adrenal hyperandrogenism may be congenital in nature, occur in diseases (including in tumors) of the pituitary gland (the main endocrine glands, located in the brain), and tumors of the adrenal glands. The ovaries secrete increased amounts of androgens in the presence of a tumor or polycystic them.

Some signs of hyperandrogenism may be normal, for example, some people (including many Caucasian peoples). This is because they have an innate increased skin sensitivity to androgens.


How does hyperandrogenism

Manifestations of hyperandrogenism - a body hair for male pattern baldness, changes in voice and physique, changing the properties of the skin.

Body hair or male pattern hair growth called hirsutism Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   Facial and body hair in women: the hair can grow on chest, back, arms and legs, and face. The growth of body hair combined with male pattern hair loss: from the temples and forehead. The voice also virilescent: it becomes lower. The skin becomes greasy, porous, and shows acne Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 . Body composition changes due to redistribution of body fat: hips become more narrow, shoulder girdle - wide. Mammary glands are reduced.

Menstrual function is impaired, until the complete absence of menstruation (amenorrhea). Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism may lead to the development of obesity and diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 Such phenomena are more likely to occur with changes in the pituitary and hypothalamus (region of the brain that is responsible for regulating the activity of the endocrine glands).

Particularly rapidly these symptoms appear and grow in the presence of a tumor of the ovary or adrenal glands.

With the development of hyperandrogenism in childhood at the beginning is an intensive growth and skeletal growth in children ahead of their peers, but then growth zones in the bones close and growth stops, as a result, such children are different short stature.


Diagnosis of hyperandrogenism

Diagnosis is based on determining the degree of hyperandrogenism, its source (the adrenal glands or ovaries) and the nature of the process (which disease it caused).

A study of hormonal women, as well as ultrasonic and X-ray examinations of the adrenal glands and ovaries. To clarify the nature of the process used computer and magnetic resonance imaging, and in some cases, laparoscopy (introduction through a small skin incision in the body of a special device - a laparoscope, which allows you to see inside the body and take a piece of tissue for analysis).


Treatment of hyperandrogenism

If hyperandrogenism caused by a tumor, it is removed. If other forms should be conservative therapy prescribed drugs that inhibit the production of androgens (such as bisekurin, Diana). If the disease "blame" the adrenal glands, for the regulation of their activities prescribed glucocorticoid hormones. Also effective therapy, which stimulates ovulation. In the absence of effect of conservative treatment surgical treatment, such as removal of the ovary in polycystic.


Forecast hyperandrogenism

Prognosis is usually favorable. With timely treatment fails to normalize all the functions. Worst of all body hair can be treated, but this can now be overcome. Tumors that contribute to hyperandrogenism, usually a benign and rarely recur after removal.

Remember: the most important time to see a doctor and in any case not to self-medicate. Hormonal disorders woman - is another very complex science, which involved specially trained doctors, gynecologists, endocrinologists.

  Galina Romanenko

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