the value of moles men
 Traditionally, various divination addicted primarily women, have good intuition. The ability to read secret signs of destiny will allow women to protect themselves from possible mistakes and to find happiness in love. Those girls who want to marry well, it is useful to know about the value of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   men, not to be mistaken in choosing a spouse.


Knowledge and intuition

Why do some ladies always unlucky in love, while others repeatedly make the same mistakes and choose the "wrong" men? Perhaps the fact that women with developed intuition immediately weed out "suspicious" gentlemen, entering only promising relationship. At the same time they can not clearly explain what guided, choosing one or another man - just something tells them, with whom you can create a family, and with whom it is impossible. For some elusive external features such ladies accurately determine what a man would be a good and faithful husband or anxious and passionate lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation

What do those who do not have a developed "sixth sense"? For millennia, people have sought and found a regular connection between the nature and human features of his appearance. So there were palm reading, physiognomy and other similar exercises.

And to this day a very popular way to learn about the nature and inclination of man - look at his birthmarks.

Of course, you should not blindly trust the wisdom of the old. It is better to treat birthmarks only as to the prevention of potential problems, and tips on how to deal with these issues. The ability to read the signs on the face and body of a loved one makes it easier to reach an understanding in a relationship, the lack of which often serves as a reason for divorce.


What do moles

With the help of moles can be learned about the nature of man, his inclinations and preferences. You can have birthmarks understand how this man is her husband. For example, are often jealous birthmark on the left lower eyelid near the nose, the right outer corner of the eye on the right side of the chin. The complex nature have men who have a mole on the lower right eyelid near the inner corner of the eye on the left temple, at the tip of the nose, on the right or on the left cheek. With these personalities to build a relationship is not easy, although it is possible.

A mole in the middle of the upper lip is from the freedom-loving natures. Often these men oppose the marriage, perceiving it as a threat to their independence. Even married, they do not abandon their traditional way of life.

If a man has a mole on his right temple, or on the wing of the nose, it shows his temperament. Such men - excellent lovers, but to live with them can be difficult, because a hot temper tends to manifest itself not only in bed, but also in everyday life. However, such a rich life have the liking as temperamental women.

Moles are not left cheek and left cheek talking about the quest for diversity. The same can be said about a mole near the right corner of his mouth. Under unfavorable conditions, this trait can lead to change. A woman whose husband has such a mole should be sympathetic to his passion for new experiences and opportunities to satisfy this passion - and then to infidelity will not come.

Often moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   It does not warn about the difficulties, and point to the hidden human dignity.

A man with a birthmark in the middle of the chin is a wonderful husband, is focused primarily on traditional family values. A mole on the right cheek close to his head - a sign of one-woman man, capable of maintaining the freshness of feelings for years. The birthmark on her upper lip on the left is from the faithful husbands and fathers beautiful philoprogenitive.

Moles on the body of a man will talk about it more. For example, a mole on the shoulders indicate a certain life difficulties temper the character of the man. Moles on the buttocks - a sign of softness nature. Located on the chest birthmarks indicate the ability of man to true love. Birthmark on the right thigh of a man speaks of his attachment to his mother. The greater the size of the spot, the more the children love. Moles on the back are at the open and sincere people.

Maria Bykov

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