In most cases, a woman, which makes urine test, knows that she is pregnant. The test helps her just to see this. Questions arise if, knowing about her pregnancy, the woman receives a negative result. The test shows no pregnancy, and the pregnancy is developing progressively. Such situations occur in practice, so it is necessary to have clear ideas about what affects the outcome of the urinary test.
A negative test result in the presence of pregnancy
The appearance coloring of the test strip is possible if the woman's urine specific hormones which may be released only in the event of pregnancy (hCG). The content of this hormone depends on the duration of pregnancy - every week there is an increase to the maximum concentration values. If you make a urinary test very short time, when there is a sufficient level of the hormone in the urine, the test can not show the pregnancy and mistake this result is considered negative. Another important condition to be met, the test is done only when the next menstruation does not come in a timely manner, that is, when there is a delay it for five to seven days. Previously, the test does not make sense to do it will be negative.
To avoid such an erroneous result, it is necessary to pay attention to what is listed on the test sensitivity. If it is not the same in terms of gestation, the result is negative, the pregnancy will not be detected. Only to the extent that, as the term of pregnancy becomes more and increase the amount of hormone, will be observed the positive test result. In some cases, a negative test during pregnancy can be a sign of the threat of interruption or of complications, for example, in the case of developing pregnancy. Pregnancy complicated by the threat of spontaneous abortion, requires a course of therapy that will contribute to the further successful development of pregnancy. If therapeutic measures are not taken in a timely manner, it may happen miscarriage
Miscarriage - is more common than you think
. To prevent the development of such complications, even if the response is negative urinary test should be counseled a woman gynecologist.
What can affect the test result
There are several factors which influence the test result. Urinary test is negative in the following cases:
- improper storage of the test, if it is broken or stored at the wrong temperature. It is recommended to purchase any tests in the pharmacy network, since in most cases the storage conditions are observed at pharmacies
- a high percentage of false positives from low-quality test, so it's better to buy a good quality test
- for each test system included a detailed instruction, which tells how to do the test. If these rules are violated, the result of this test is negative
- administration of drugs from the group of diuretics. If a woman is taking these medications, it will dilute the urine, so the concentration of the hormone HCG will not meet the test for pregnancy. This also applies to the production of urinary test in the evening. In the evening, the urine is not concentrated, it is recommended to carry out a study in the morning, because in the morning hours in the body there is a maximum figure hormone pregnancy test will be most informative
Special attention should be given to women having comorbidity. Diseases of the urinary system, heart and blood vessels can change the hormone levels of hCG as a result of a violation of his release in normal doses. It is recommended to initiate a urinary test after visiting the gynecologist. A doctor examining a woman may indicate those points on which it must pay attention to. This will determine the result of the test is reliable or not. If the result of the urinary test turned negative and the woman does not come menstruation, it should show the test result and the doctor to be examined by a specialist.
Marina Solovyov
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