• Cervicitis - the effect of infectious agents on the state of the cervix
  • Inflammation of the cervix

 cervicitis inflammation of the cervix

Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix with far-reaching consequences

Pelvic inflammatory disease often spread up and seize all the new organs and tissues. This gives many complications, the most serious of which - infertility. It is not always such diseases begin with genital infections, sometimes they are caused by microorganisms that are present in our body all the time. Cervicitis - an inflammation of the cervix. The cause of cervicitis are most often staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli, various viruses. But cervicitis may start from gonorrhea, chlamydial infection or trohomonadnoy, trapped in the body through sexual contact.

Contributing factors to the development of inflammation are nezashitye postpartum ruptures of the cervix and perineum, the omission of genital irritation of the cervix mechanical and chemical contraceptives, inflammatory diseases of the external genitals. It is very important reduction in the body's defenses - immune system.


How is cervicitis

Cervicitis can be acute, subacute or chronic. The disease usually begins with the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix (endocervicitis), and then the process involved in other tissues. In acute and subacute process observed dilation of blood vessels and the accumulation of leukocytes in inflammation - "Sanitation", which destroy infectious agents. In chronic course of the cervix is ​​increased in size, it has reduced elasticity and turgor.



Symptoms cervicitis depends on the nature of the process. In acute during a woman worried weak abdominal pain, discomfort in the vagina, sometimes itchy, pus or muco-purulent discharge from the genital tract. The mucous membrane of the cervix at this time reddened and swollen.

In subacute cervicitis all these phenomena are less pronounced. Chronic cervicitis is characterized by scanty mucous or muco-purulent discharge from the cervix, slight redness and swelling of the tissues of the cervix. In the long chronic cervicitis there is a thickening of the cervix, often formed by erosion (superficial tissues of the violation) of the cervix.



The main complication of cervicitis - cervical erosion. Prolonged exposure to the secretion of inflammatory tissue of the cervix leads to change, shrinkage, scleral surface cells with the formation of erosion. Since this place is introduced infection, erosion is prolonged. Erosion is usually located around the external cervical os and has a bright red color What color goes red: beware  What color goes red: beware
 , Irregular contours and bleeding when touched. Proceeds such erosion is usually asymptomatic and often is a random finding during routine inspection.

The infection can also spread to the top of the lining of the uterus and its appendages. Inflammation in this area can cause permanent infertility.



The diagnosis is usually straightforward, since the disease has a characteristic pattern. It confirms the diagnosis by means of laboratory tests, and colposcopy Colposcopy: women's health under control  Colposcopy: women's health under control

Laboratory research is the examination of a smear taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix under a microscope (identified diseases) and crop nutrient discharges to the environment (the causative agent of the disease is detected and its sensitivity to antibiotics).

Colposcopy is used most often for chronic processes where necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis, and the appearance of the mucous membrane is not very changed. Inspect the mucosa using a special apparatus (colposcope), and you can look in detail at all the changes that are on it.



Treatment is carried out with regard to the nature of the pathogen, disease stage and related changes in the surrounding tissue. In gonorrhea and trichomoniasis treatment is carried out under the special scheme, designed for these infections.

If in the course of examination isolated pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus  Staphylococcus
 Streptococcus, or Escherichia coli, antibiotics are appointed in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. Locally applied hygiene douching chamomile extract, boric acid and lactic acid. When viral cervicitis designate leukocyte interferon drugs topically in the form of irrigation.

In chronic cervicitis topically applied physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, electrophoresis using a special zinc electrode.

If treatment is started in time and did not have time to pass the infection to other organs and tissues, the prognosis is usually favorable.



Prevention cervicitis is in compliance with the rules of personal and sexual hygiene, proper selection of contraceptive methods, and careful handling (or stitching), divide tissue during childbirth.

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