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  • Own risk

 Contraception fears risks

Contraception: own risk

Contraception - the theme is serious and many-sided, so always raises many questions for women of all ages. Some relate to the fear of using those or other methods of birth control, others are more wary of side effects. All these issues require detailed explanation, then the woman will no longer have a fear, that relate to this topic.


Fear of an intrauterine device

Many women are afraid to remain fruitless. In fact, the spiral itself is the only obstacle to sperm, but it can be removed at any time by contacting the doctor, and then the ability to become pregnant will be restored even if you have a few years resorted to it.


Spiral and miscarriage

There is a great legend, which says that every month spiral, which is placed inside the uterus, the fetus does not allow to attach to it so happens miscarriage in early pregnancy.

There are two types of spiral - copper and hormonal. Copper is toxic to sperm metal, and they can not penetrate into the uterus. Hormonal spiral reduces the number of allocated secret, by which the sperm are able to get into the uterus. Therefore, the spiral works fronting fertilization, rather than destroying the embryo.


Spiral for nulliparous

It's really great prejudice that exists among women, however, the spiral since 2004 recognized the organization of health care ANAES safe even for young nulliparous women.

There is still a view that is opposed to the normal intrauterine pregnancy, but provokes an ectopic. International studies have confirmed that there is no relationship between this not, so it's not a cause for concern.


Abstinence does not require birth control pills

Many women, for example, having parted with her boyfriend, immediately stop taking birth control pills. However, they forget that the protection from pregnancy disappears, but may arise "unforeseen circumstances" as a new partner. And then, being accustomed to the absence of a condom, they can just forget about the precautions that will lead to both unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, any woman should be aware of this.


Smoking and oral contraceptives

Some women worry that smoking reduces the effectiveness of the tablets. Of course, smoking is never useful, but smokers girls can not complete oral contraceptives only because of this. It is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day up to 5-7 and 35, and then upgrade to tablets progestativami.


The risks of oral contraceptives

They say that the pills are harmful to health, so many women for this reason refuse to accept them. We can not say that birth control pills Birth control pills - how effective are they?  Birth control pills - how effective are they?
   there are some significant side effects, most for them there is a standard set of contra-indications: obesity, hypertension, diabetes, migraine Migraine  Migraine
 Smoking after 35 years. Otherwise, they are even positive effects. For example, to adjust the menstrual cycle, improves skin condition (acne disappears), a 40% reduced risk of ovarian cancer by 50% reduced risk of endometrial cancer, and many gynecological diseases.


Pills and Breast Cancer

The notion that breast cancer is closely related to oral contraceptives, is very common. Studies show that up to 35 years of pill-estroprogestativy do not carry any risk. A woman of 45 years who took pills for life and that which is never done, the risk of cancer will be the same, because it has nothing to do with contraception. In adulthood increases the risk of breast cancer, and it is often associated with a hereditary factor.

However, if a woman after 35 years revealed a predisposition to cancer, you should go for synthetic progestativy or put an intrauterine device IUD: a reliable and efficient means  IUD: a reliable and efficient means


Pills and Weight Gain

This is perhaps one of the main female phobias - start taking the pill and get better. This is indeed possible, but not necessarily. This happens often because of the ability to hold water pills, causing increased swelling of tissues. And if there is a danger that would not like to face, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe pills without risk to gain extra weight.


Contraception method of counting days

It is in our time is a fairly common method, and most importantly - do not make a mistake in the calculations. Do not assume that ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day is sure to cycle because it is not always the case. For this reason, the calculation of safe and unsafe days becomes sometimes useless pastime, especially if it is about a young girl with unsettled cycle. And one day, you can find two bars at pregnancy test.


Emergency contraception

Contraception, called an urgent, very ambiguous, although these tools can be purchased in almost any drugstore. The tablet can be taken within 24-48 hours after unprotected sex. It should be borne in mind that such contraception is not a mini-abortion and acts just like an ordinary - resisting unwanted fertilization.

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