• Menopause and Weight Gain - when you worry?
  • Causes

 menopause and weight gain causes

Why weight increases menopause

In women, there is a weight increase with age. Women may gain weight as a result of various circumstances, but many are predisposed to be overweight with the onset of menopause.

Menopause - a period when a woman stops ovulating and the course of the menstrual cycle stops. In women, forty to fifty years of age have difficulty to lose weight and to maintain the level of its weight. Weight gained during menopause and after - it is hard to lose. This fullness is particularly noticeable in the abdominal area. Weight gain during menopause is due to the following reasons:

  • Reduced levels of the hormone estrogen in the body
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Atrafirovanie muscle
  • The problems of domestic nature, such excesses in eating, etc.
  • Hormonal changes

The majority of women (almost 2/3 of all women) from 35 to 55 highly fattening during perimenopause (the period preceding menopause). Weight gained during this period is difficult to lose, however, to some extent, it can be controlled. There is also evidence that excess weight after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer. Studies suggest that an increase in weight of 20 lbs (approximately 9 kg) can promote breast cancer, while slimming - reduces that risk. Regular exercise and a balanced diet will help to keep the level of the weight under control.

Before menopause, women completeness of the uniformly distributed over the thighs, arms, torso, whereas weight gain during menopause is concentrated mainly around the abdominal area. As a result, a woman becomes a figure in the shape of an apple. On the completeness of the body as a result of menopause, say "midlife crisis" or "belly." This rapid increase in weight can lead to cardiovascular disease.


Reasons for weight gain

Excess weight among women reached menopause can not be attributed only to hormonal changes in the body, although hormones play a major role in weight gain. Changes in the body are directly related to lifestyle and aging. The main cause of weight gain during menopause are:

  • Overeating: The consumption of large amounts of calories without their consumption resulting in fullness.
  • Immunity to insulin: Some women develop insulin resistance; whereby, the body begins to store calories, like fat, instead of spending.
  • Psychological causes: Excess stress, fatigue and anxiety can lead to weight gain. Such psychological factors which may cause disturbance in the physiological processes of the body, and thereby cause frequent bouts of hunger and in turn - increased weight.
  • Aging: With age, muscle mass atrophy, and takes her replacement fat. Fat deposits are no longer consume as many calories as the muscle. Atrophied muscles also consume fewer calories.
  • A sedentary lifestyle: The older you are, the fewer calories your body needs. The excess calories converted into fat, which in turn displaces the body muscle mass. Fat deposits consume fewer calories than muscle mass. This leads to a decrease in metabolic rate in the body, which in turn leads to weight gain.
  • Reduction of physical activity: Women who have reached menopause less go to the gym, in comparison with the younger generation, which leads to weight gain.
  • Heredity also can be a major cause of completeness.
  • Changes in the level of hormones in the body or deficit hormones can lead to insensitivity to insulin, which leads to extra fat deposits (i.e. undigested calories are converted into fat).
  • Thyroid disease: Weight gain during menopause may be associated with thyroid disease such as hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism  Hypothyroidism
 . If you have a suspicion that the increase in weight associated with thyroid disease, you should consult your doctor.
  • Low metabolism: low metabolic rate, resulting from low physical activity, and as a result of aging, can lead to weight gain during menopause.


How to prevent weight gain

Weight gain - the inevitability that accompanies aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . Let's look at some ways of how to resist:

  • Do not sit locked up, be active!
  • Moderate appetite
  • Hormone therapy helps maintain the level of hormones in the body, thus helping control weight levels
  • Reduce the amount of fat in the diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
 . It should limit consumption of animal fats, and give preference to vegetable sources of fat, such as nuts, olive oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil.
  • Reduce the daily intake of calories. Your body needs fewer calories, as it ages, so be wise to eat food. Excessive reduction in caloric intake is also bad for the body; In this case, the body begins to accumulate calories, thereby inhibiting weight loss.
  • Be active. Engage in aerobic exercise, it will improve your metabolism, which will help burn fat. Physical exercise is good for the fact that increasing muscle mass.
  • Do not tighten! Women should begin to exercise and follow the diet after thirty years. This will contribute to both the preservation of normal weight, and prevention of completeness.
  • Include in the diet of more fruits, vegetables, vegetable proteins etc. Instead of pork, hamburgers and potato salad eat without butter, tuna, salmon, chicken breast, etc.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, and reduce consumption of carbonated drinks, and drinks containing caffeine.


Perimenopause and weight gain

Perimenopause refers to the time interval preceding the menopause. During this period, changes occur in the body, which often resemble the symptoms of menopause. These modifications can occur at any time from 35 to 60 years, and can last from 2 to 6 years. Such women have unexplained weight gain. This fullness is inevitable even if the women are strictly follow the diet.

Methods of correction of weight, has been successfully applied previously, may be ineffective. Completeness in the abdominal area - a very common phenomenon among women in the perimenopausal period. Hormonal fluctuations, decreased estrogen levels, the accumulation of fat cells, and so on - all of which can occur during perimenopause.

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