• Ovulation Calendar - to help women
  • Methods for determining

 methods for determining ovulation

Methods for determining ovulation

Every self-respecting woman should make up your personal ovulation calendar. This is necessary not only to plan the pregnancy and the most likely to have a few days to be able to get pregnant, but also in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Of course, ovulation calendar does not give an absolute guarantee, but it does not hurt to start. More than likely the definition of "dangerous" and "safe" days will be a calendar of women of childbearing age with a regular menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?


Childbearing age

Childbearing age is called puberty or reproductive period, which lasts about 30 years - from 16-18 to 45 years. That is, it is the age when a woman has the ability to ovulate and the possibility of pregnancy How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help



Ovulation - the process of release of mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. That's when a woman has every chance of successfully getting pregnant. Basically, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and then starts the ovarian corpus luteum function, which prepares the body for possible pregnancy. Major changes occur in the endometrium of the uterus. It thickens and is loosened in order to take the (implant) fertilized egg. If conception has not occurred, then it begins the rejection of the endometrium - the next menstruation and maturation of the egg. In medicine, it is called "weeping of the uterus for pregnancy failed."


How to identify ovulation

Identify possible ovulation in several ways:

  • a calendar method for determining ovulation;
  • basal temperature and scheduling;
  • Tests of functional diagnostics;
  • indirect signs of ovulation;
  • Ultrasound of the ovaries;
  • Ovulation Test.


Indirect signs of ovulation

Many women may assume oocyte maturation and its release from the ovary by symptoms such as:

  • small nagging pains in the abdomen (they indicate ovarian rupture);
  • increase in sexual desire (increased levels of progestogens);
  • strengthening of mucous secretions from the vagina (quite easy to determine - a piece of slime squeeze two fingers and spread, tear mucus, indicating that ovulation).


The calendar method of determining ovulation

This method is suitable for women who have a menstrual cycle works like clockwork. It's enough to the length of the menstrual cycle, take 16 days, the result is indicative of ovulation.


Scheduling of the basal temperature

For this it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum at least three menstrual cycles. Normally, at the time of ovulation the temperature rises to 0, 2-0, 4 degrees (above 37). Keep in mind that sometimes occur, and menstrual cycles without ovulation, especially during illness, stress and climate change. Also do not forget that the menstrual cycle may change during the lifetime (eg after childbirth) and the schedule is necessary from time to time to alter.


Tests of functional diagnostics

The value of these simple and easy to implement in any environment research methods survived until the present time and these include:

  • kariopiknoticheskogo index calculation;
  • count vaginal epithelium (under a microscope);
  • the phenomenon of "pupil";
  • tension measurement of cervical mucus.


Ultrasound of the ovaries

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries is carried out several times to determine the follicular maturation, a time when he burst in and out of a mature egg. Sometimes it is used for several menstrual cycles. The method determines the well-ovulation and is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility Infertility treatment - modern methods  Infertility treatment - modern methods


Ovulation Test

Ovulation Test is available to every woman and are sold in a pharmacy. To conduct the test is easy. Typically one package contains several (five) test strips. If revealed one strip after the test has been omitted for five seconds in the urine, it indicates that ovulation does not occur and it is necessary to repeat the test on the next day. Two strips that appeared, indicates the ensuing ovulation. Test ovulation based on determination of luteinizing hormone in the urine. To conduct the tests necessary in one and the same time, in the period from 10 to 18 hours. It is desirable before the test is not carried away by the liquid (drink a lot).

All methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, to produce a proper ovulation calendar should use them together.

Anna Sozinova

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