• Preeclampsia pregnant - the complexity of the problem
  • Signs

 preeclampsia pregnancy symptoms

Preeclampsia pregnancy - signs of disorders of vital organs

The birth of a child - it's not only great fortune, but also a great responsibility that rests on the shoulders of the mother. That nothing could harm the baby during pregnancy, it is best to plan. The fact that a planned pregnancy involves a complete examination of the future parents not after, but before conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 . In such cases are identified and being treated all chronic diseases and foci of infection - it significantly reduces the number of complications during pregnancy. Preeclampsia (toxemia) pregnant - a condition that occurs in the second half of pregnancy and is characterized by dysfunction of vital organs and systems.

It happens that preeclampsia occurs in healthy women, but such a phenomenon occurs much less frequently than preeclampsia, which arose against the backdrop of some other disease. Typically, this kidney disease, cardiovascular system, chronic intoxication (e.g., smoking), pockets of infection (e.g., chronic tonsillitis), hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
 Endocrine diseases. The negative impact on the body of the pregnant women also have chronic stress, overwork, poor diet and daily routine (eg, lack of sleep), sedentary lifestyle, and genetic predisposition to gestosis. Preeclampsia is also often very young women and women who give birth for the first time after 37 years.

As a result of various disorders in pregnant women is compressed (spasm) of the blood vessels, which leads to an increase in these pressures and exudation of the liquid portion of the blood through the walls of blood vessels (edema formation), the body tissue of a pregnant woman beginning to receive less nutrients and oxygen that It causes them initially imperceptible and then ever more severe changes. Especially hard to respond to the lack of blood supply to the brain, kidney, and placenta. Inadequate blood supply to the placenta can cause the development of placental insufficiency - severe complication that leads to intrauterine fetal development.


Signs of preeclampsia pregnant

Preeclampsia develops gradually, at first appears an edema pregnant if no action is taken, it will move to the next stage - nephropathy pregnant, which could end tragically - preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy.

Dropsy pregnant appears edema. Due to the large amount of body fluids at body appear initially hidden (rapid weight gain pregnant - 350 g per week), and then explicit edema. Most of these swelling appear first in the feet and gradually rise up, health women without suffering, which may lead to the fact that it does not contact the doctor promptly.

Against the backdrop of persistent edema in women appears first transient (for example, with stress), and then a permanent increase in blood pressure. The figures increase the individual, but every woman should know their working pressure and, if it suddenly starts to rise regularly, it's a sign that you need to consult a doctor immediately. In the women's clinic in the survey will be revealed yet another sign of kidney disease - a protein in the urine. Moreover, even in this period optometrist can detect vasospasm fundus, which suggests that cerebral blood flow is disrupted.

If in this state woman gets help, nephropathy may progress to preeclampsia when the changes start from the brain. The first sign of pre-eclampsia is a long-term headache. Then can join visual disturbances (flashing flies before the eyes), nausea, abdominal pain, insomnia, irritability, lethargy. Blood pressure during this period is kept at high numbers and even growing.

Eclampsia begins with seizures that last for about two minutes and often triggered by bright light, sharp sound, pain, stress, etc. This initially appears a prolonged seizures (patient literally curved in an arc), then small seizures of arms and legs, loss of consciousness. In some cases against high blood pressure High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies  High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies
   woman immediately falls into a coma.

Eclampsia can be complicated by cardiac and renal failure, bleeding in internal organs, including the brain, premature detachment of normally situated placenta, fetal death.


Treatment of preeclampsia

Treatment of preeclampsia, is carried out only in a hospital. Houses can leave women with little swelling, and then only if they fulfill all the requirements of a doctor.

Women with preeclampsia about treatment diuretic, lowering blood pressure and sedative drugs.

One of the main directions in the treatment of women is the prevention and treatment of intrauterine growth retardation. If the gestational age is large enough, the phenomenon of preeclampsia are not decreasing, and the fruit of suffering - this is an indication for delivery.

Remember antenatal invented not only for treating gynecological diseases. Their main function - is the monitoring of pregnant women and prevention of possible complications of pregnancy and childbirth. If a woman during pregnancy, regularly visits his doctor, the percentage of complications she repeatedly reduced.

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