• Seizures in pregnancy: how to deal with the problem
  • Causes

 causes seizures in pregnant women

Causes of seizures in pregnant women

Jerking of individual muscles are common in pregnancy, it is always necessary to pay attention to time and tell your doctor. However, seizures can be different: some say about the relative disadvantage and may well go on medication and the right combination of diet and rest, while others are serious complication second half of pregnancy and require immediate medical attention.

Causes of seizures in pregnant women can be grouped into three broad groups:

  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • toxicosis second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia).

If the first two reasons cause jerking of individual muscle groups, then for preeclampsia are more typical general convulsions and very severe condition of the pregnant woman.


A disadvantage of mineral salts and vitamins in the body of the pregnant woman

Spasmodic twitching of muscles can cause a lack of minerals (salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium) and vitamins of group B. This state appears when malnutrition, a monotonous diet, with frequent vomiting, frequent use of diuretics.

Calcium salts controls the contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the muscles located in the thickness of blood vessels. Calcium deficiency is shown a tendency to convulsive reactions and muscle cramps. The sources of calcium are dairy products, sardines, cabbage, spinach, almonds.

Salts of magnesium and potassium in the body of work "in the same boat," they are the basic elements of intracellular metabolism. With a deficit of magnesium potassium deficiency it occurs, and vice versa. In this case, the place in the cell takes potassium sodium, which attracts water, which could result in swelling, impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism appear convulsions. Especially it suffers from a lack of magnesium and potassium heart muscle. Natural sources of magnesium - bananas, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, flounder, shrimp, cod, dairy products. Potassium is found in bananas, raisins, dried apricots.

When there is a lack of iron Iron deficiency anemia, against which a pregnant woman may also experience seizures.

B vitamins - is the source of energy for the body, the most important Energy - vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), when there is shortage of seizure susceptibility. Natural sources of vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   B6 are bananas, beans, cabbage, brewer's yeast Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality  Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality


Varicose veins as a cause of seizures in pregnant women

Varicose veins - veins is such a change, in which uneven increases their lumen veins change their course, there are nodes, tortuosity, the blood flow in them becomes wrong.

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   Pregnancy - a compression of large veins of the lower half of the body growing uterus, resulting in expanding and changing its appearance vein extremities. In this case violated the inflow of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles, and elimination of these metabolites. All of this serves as a favorable backdrop for the development of seizures. Strengthen the phenomenon of varicose veins smoking and drinking too much coffee, strong tea, hereditary features of the structure of the venous system.


As manifested seizures and what to do in such cases

Seizures occur more frequently in the limbs - the calf muscles and the muscles of the hand. Sometimes it may also arise convulsive twitching of facial muscles. Very unpleasant and frightening condition of the pregnant woman. It often appears in the horizontal position: suddenly there is a sharp pain in the muscles convulsively information. Such spasms are best removed movement. For example, in the reduction of a calf must immediately get up and walk around the room, the spasm is usually held immediately. When intelligence arm muscles also need to stand up, put your hands down and work the brush. If spasms of facial muscles - to stand, walk, while making all possible mimic and chewing movements.


Prevention of seizures in pregnant women

First of all, a pregnant woman should rationally combine rest and movement. This combination is the best prevention of seizures. You should not stand or sit for long periods in the same position, it is better to go at a slow pace, and after a walk to relax. Do not forget comfortable shoes, it should be soft so as not squeezed foot, on moderate (good for you) heel. Heel in any case should not be skived in one direction (this particular often contribute to gait) - a state of balance and heel breaks contributes to poor circulation.

To improve blood circulation feet can perform specific self-massage exercise and feet (that will teach obstetrician-gynecologist), wear special stockings that improve blood circulation in varicose veins. During leisure, in a horizontal position, try to keep the feet elevated.

If the problem is in the veins, remember that hot foot bath can only aggravate the situation (which, incidentally, is not recommended during pregnancy) - spasms of effort, but you can take a bath at room temperature with solutions, it improves blood circulation and relieves muscle tension, such as sea ​​salt.

The food a pregnant woman should be complete, it must be present dairy products (milk is better to replace milk products), fresh and steamed vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish. You should not eat fried, fatty, spicy food, eat better 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Normally, all pregnant women are appointed by vitamin-mineral complexes, designed specifically for pregnant women - must take them.

Galina Romanenko

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