• Tianshi - Tradition Chinese Medicine
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 Company Tianshi

Company Tianshi

"Tiens" is not only a set of exclusive patented technology used in the manufacture of its own products, but also a number of other features.


The activities of "Tiens"

One of the most extraordinary features of "Tiens" is the active participation of the members of the corporation in public life and unselfish use of equity capital needs for good .  Thus, the company "Tiens" constantly allocates funds to build schools, to develop public institutions of new scientific technologies in the organization of activities to address the consequences of disasters and other emergencies, as well as for financial assistance to the population .  In total, for all time of its existence the company has spent more than sixteen million dollars to various kinds of donations .  The figure is very impressive, and it is unlikely that any other company with a similar activity was close on this indicator to the company "Tiens" .  By the way, the corporation also has been exactly sixteen years .  Maybe it's just a curious coincidence, perhaps, the company decided to allocate annually to meet the public needs at least one million dollars .  This fully corresponds to the principles that were formulated by the founder of the company L . D .  Yuan ("Bringing Health to serve the people and develop the industry") and deserves deep respect .



No less worthy of recognition and respect, and the product itself "Tiens". First of all, it should be noted its high prestige not only among ordinary users, but also among experts. Nutritional Supplements Bio: does it make sense?  Bio: does it make sense?
   "Tiens" (as well as other kinds of production) have an international level of certification and are recognized in all developed countries .  Many times the company's products "Tiens" was honored with the highest awards by the World Health Organization .  And this is not surprising, given the range of therapeutic action, the quality and effectiveness of dietary supplements .  Thus, the points of application of biopharmaceuticals "Tiens" are the bodies of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, digestive system and urinary tract, respiratory system and immune system, as well as the complex relationships of the central nervous regulation, sensory organs, and more .  In practice, there is not a single biological tissue in the human body, for the recovery of which would not find any means of all the mighty arsenal of production "Tiens" .  Unique biological drugs can not only prevent or significantly reduce the time of recovery from any illness, but also increase the chances in the fight against deadly illnesses, including those with malignant cancer pathology .

Of particular note is the use of special technology varieties of calcium, called "organic", which not only removed from the bone in a specific way, but also saturated with other useful components (vitamins, trace elements, various organic compounds) .  The essence of this technology is to increase the digestibility of calcium .  The importance of this process becomes evident when we remember that the calcium to the extent necessary for the body may be compared with oxygen .  Of calcium is largely dependent intake of nutrients in each cell, the stability of the whole of the striated musculature (including the myocardium), the activity of blood coagulation, activity important enzyme systems patency neural signals along the axons and dendrites (so called processes of nerve cells) and much more .  It is no accident the organic calcium is the pride of the corporation "Tiens" and is included in several of its products .

Today production of "Tiens" is one of the leading drugs used to prevent and treat diseases and health promotion.

  Zhiguli Andrew

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