• Trichomoniasis - why it is not worth it to treat yourself?
  • Infection

 trichomoniasis infections

Trichomoniasis - Infection

Despite the large amount of information and means of prevention, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to actively disseminated among the population. Many believe that STI - this is nonsense, get rid of that will be easy, you only own take the necessary pills.


Infections, sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - a disease that is caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa and transmitted from person to person mainly through sexual contact. These diseases often goes unnoticed and give complications, to get rid of them in the future very difficult. Furthermore, such a person becomes a source of infection to their potential partners.

Trichomoniasis - is an infection that is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis and is transmitted through sexual contact.

Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoa that live and reproduce in the human body and in the environment. Trichomonas feed on tissue cells and bacteria, which explains their cohabitation (symbiosis) with other infectious agents, such as gonococci. Often a combination of long flowing trichomoniasis and gonorrhea because gonorrhea can long exist within Trichomonas, causing periodic exacerbation. In the environment, Trichomonas die rapidly at high temperatures and in disinfectant solutions.

Trichomoniasis infected mainly through sexual contact, but can not be excluded and the way home through personal effects, in the bath in the swimming pool, etc.


Signs of trichomoniasis

From the moment of infection to manifestation of symptoms of the disease usually takes about two weeks. Disease begins acutely, itching, swelling and redness in the genital area. In women, it is accompanied by a yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina. Concerned about the persistent and painful urination. Sex becomes uncomfortable because of the pain. In men, trichomoniasis is manifested acute painful frequent urination, itching and pain in the perineum. Often found asymptomatic trichomoniasis, especially in men.

Chronic trichomoniasis is usually the outcome of acute or asymptomatic disease often occurs after self when the patient does not go to the doctor. In addition to the urethra in men often affects the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, testes, women - uterus and its appendages. Long-term course of the disease is more common at lower immunity, and in the case where a person has multiple infections, sexually transmitted diseases.


What can be complicated trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, especially long-flowing, can give complications in the inner genitals of the woman, then that is often the cause of infertility, complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Long flowing infection can not have an effect on the baby: often these children are born with low birth weight, and then lag behind in development.

Trichomoniasis in men can also cause a number of unpleasant complications: inflammation of the prostate gland and testicles, which also affect the reproductive ability of men. Infertility leads to an inflammatory process involving organs that produce sperm. But even if the sperm is, they lose their vitality and motor activity.


Based on what the diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Laboratory studies are subject to discharge from the vagina in women, discharge from the urethra and prostate secretion - men. The biological material is coated on a glass slide, stained with special colors look under a microscope and tapping manner pathogens and symptoms of inflammation.

But the most convincing method of research is sowing selections on nutrient media in order to highlight the culture of the causative agent. Take also the blood for the detection of pathogen DNA by PCR. In addition, a comprehensive examination of the patient in order to avoid other infections, sexually transmitted diseases.


Treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is treated with drugs protivotrihomonadnyh must be followed by laboratory control. Be sure to also appointed agents, strengthen immunity, physical therapy and local treatment. Locally appointed baths, injections into the urethra with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant solutions.

A person is considered to be a cure if it had negative test results for three months. Women assays take over the first three days of the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
   for three months.

Prevention trichomoniasis - a sex life with one partner and personal hygiene.

Galina Romanenko

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