• Get rid of bags under the eyes: possible methods
  • Prevention

 bags under the eyes Prevention

Prevention and rapid remedies

You can do a lot of things and without surgical intervention in order to make your eyes look younger.

  • Do not smoke and always apply sun-protection cream on the eye area. Smoking and sun rays weaken the effect of collagen and call early appearance of wrinkles and folds.
  • At night, apply moisturizing cream to the skin under the eyes. You can not pick out any expensive cream.
  • Every day, use a cream with vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   And that is called tretinoin. That is the only best way to prevent wrinkles and improve your skin condition.
  • To remove the swelling of the eye, apply cold spoons, cucumber slices, cooled tea bags or even bricks of frozen peas. The cool temperature will reduce swelling. Superimposition of hemorrhoids cream under eyes can also help to get rid of the swelling. But it is better to use for this eye cream with retinol.

 Get rid of bags under the eyes: the possible methods - Prevention

Fillers for sunken eyes

Some people prefer to use hyaluronic fillers, such as Juvederm or Restylane, which is administered by injection under the eyes. This gives you a more youthful appearance by correcting the contours of the eye socket.

Introduction dermal fillers under the eyes - this is a very technically sensitive procedure. The filler should be injected deep under the muscle instead of under the top layers of skin. Unprofessional work can cause swelling. If you want to use this method, pick up a reliable and experienced dermatologist, plastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist who is experienced in such procedures.

This procedure costs between 500 to 700 dollars. The results hold for eight months. Ask your doctor about side effects, such as secondary swelling and bruising, which can be held in two weeks. Your doctor may also offer you a botox injection Botox injections: how to freeze wrinkles  Botox injections: how to freeze wrinkles
 , Dysport, or Xeomin (who clean the crow's feet around the eyes). But this is at your discretion.

 Get rid of bags under the eyes: the possible methods - Prevention

Eyelid surgery creates a new image

Many people go so far as to get rid of sagging skin that creates puffiness.

Today, blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty  Blepharoplasty
   It is to make incisions in the eyelid. The doctor may remove a little excess fat, fat to move or even add fat grafts, depending on the need. Laser beams are used to strengthen the stretching of the skin. These procedures cost between 2,500 to 5,000 dollars, and the recovery lasts from ten days to two weeks.

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 Bags under the eyes - no one is immune
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