• Half an hour of beauty: how to put in order the person
  • Advice

 tips on how to put in order the person
 Tips on how to quickly put in order the person before the holiday

Thirty-first of December - the day high concentration: the joy and anticipation of the holiday combined with fatigue from preparing for this holiday. Completed in stress mode, all the things at work, we, the beautiful half of humanity, organize a second shift at home. All salads are cut, the table is almost set, before the guests arrive half an hour, and the person - a reflection of the struggle with life, fatigue and festive.

Declare a half hour of beauty. You can, however, before this blitzkrieg to make some preparation: Grate raw potato, boil sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
 , Chamomile, celandine, lime color, or parsley, to make grapefruit juice, carrots. If you do this in advance, then the grass can pour cups and freeze. Or to prepare a conventional ice only purified water. In extreme cases, suitable chilled in the freezer a bottle of clean drinking water, soda can (but not salty and not medical). It is worth noting that all of the proposed article masks, lotions and herbs you can use if you know exactly what you do not have these means of allergies.

  •   A good stretch, make rotating movements with his hands, lean from side to side, restoring blood flow.
  • The most proven tool for attaining the general tone - a contrast shower. Wait a few minutes under the water just like that - relaxing. Apply on the skin invigorating gel (with flavors, and even better by the addition of peppermint oil, grapefruit, lemon, rose) and massage massage brush or a hard sponge: hands from the wrists to the shoulders and legs from the ankles to the hips. Apply your usual cleansing gel on your face. Increase the temperature to the maximum tolerable and pleasant to the skin (not burning) and wait 10-15 seconds for jets. Then quickly switch to cold water - for 5-10 seconds. And so - three times. Cheer up? Rub well with a towel. Remember that in our schedule for the shower is given 5-6 minutes. If you're not afraid to keep on time, take a shower only to hand in any case, the total toning the body and affect the face.
  • Reinforce the body inside and outside: banana, natural cheese with dried apricots or apples, green tea with honey and lemon juice or grapefruit and carrots. In the sense that these foods should be eaten, and at the same time make them (and not only them) toning facials Toning face masks: simple recipes  Toning face masks: simple recipes
   (5 minutes).

Here are some recipes:

  •   mash with a fork peeled banana, add a spoonful of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice;
  •   Take the egg white, mix with a spoon of olive oil (if skin is oily, you can add a few drops of lemon);
  •   zaparte oatmeal, add a tablespoon of grated carrots and egg whites;
  •   Mix cottage cheese with sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
   and add salt on the tip of a knife, mash everything until smooth;
  • pure liquid honey without lumps.

Make a small pressure point massage - massage with your fingertips point at the outer ends of the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes and in the corners of the lips. Gently apply the mask.

Remember that the skin around the eyes conventional mask contraindicated. And that talk and a face mask on the face can not, so go away from the world in a very quiet dark room - for 10 minutes in our blitzkrieg. Light, if there is an aroma lamp with oil of neroli, grapefruit, eucalyptus or rosemary.

As long as you keep the mask, you can lie, but there is a secret - you need to lie unevenly. First, lift the leg as high as possible (and desirable to apply a foot cream with menthol toning). Secondly, the torso also have to be raised - this position collyria act better and do not lead to the mother liquor. So, put on your eyes: with gauze or gruel of grated potatoes, or use green tea bags, filter bags or mint. On the clock at the same time, it is desirable not to look so or to set up an alarm clock, or ask you to come back to haunt the home at the right time. All the masks are washed off with warm water

  •   Put a pat on the face of nourishing cream. Massage your cheeks: Put thumbs on the corners of the lower jaw, the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers stroking the skin from the middle of the nose to the ears of the cheeks (2 minutes).
  • The next phase - contrast baths for the face .  Naturally, when showering water falling on his face, but for the beauty of this little blitzkrieg .  A pre-applying the cream will protect your skin from overheating or hypothermia .  The facial skin will respond gratefully to the contrast .  Pour into two bowls of hot and cold water (or broth of herbs) .  You can wash alternately from each bowl, completing all with cold water (3 minutes) .  And you can make compresses - look at the time: do not call you away from the nearest confectionery .  If time permits, take two small bath towels, wet one in hot water, wring out and gently apply to the face, hold, while keeping a pleasant warmth .  Then apply a towel soaked in ice water .  Better yet, massage the face with ice - this is a win-win, and take only 1 minute .  Gently pat .  Good massage your ears lobe (the person must turn pink) and proceed to the make-up .  Perhaps that will be enough to draw the eye, tint eyelashes and eyebrow comb .  For the New Year, it is appropriate to use a gel for the face with sparkles and they are diverting attention, help to appear in the most favorable light . 

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