• Ingrown nail - not as harmless as it seems
  • The problem

 ingrown nail problem

Ingrown nail: the problem and its solution

If you have pain and swelling in the first toe of the foot, then it could be an ingrown nail. The disease is not as harmless as it seems, so it is best to immediately contact the surgeon who will remove the nail. Otherwise, you are waiting for a lot of trouble in the form of inflammatory diseases of the toes that do not always respond well to treatment. Many years later I can not escape from the consequences of their negligence.

Ingrown nail - the defeat of the 1st toe, in which there is ingrowth of inner or outer edge of the nail in the nail fold. Ingrowing edge thickened and bent downward. Often infection occurs accession to the development of the inflammatory process.


As the disease develops

The disease occurs at a constant pressure on the edge of the nail nail roller, helped by wearing tight shoes and incorrect nail clippers (deep cutting of the side edges). By the occurrence of the disease innate characteristics predispose the direction of growth of the nail. At constant injury of soft tissues located around the nail, they begin to develop inflammation, inflammation of the accession of infection becoming festering and spreading further.


How does the disease

When inflammation of the soft tissues, pain in the nail ingrowth while walking in the shoes. On roller nail formed sores with pus, swelling of the finger gets, flushed, more with the patient side. With further propagation of inflammation, it can go the whole cushion the nail and lead to detachment of the nail body.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis is assigned to X-ray as well as similar changes may be in the affected bone, in various vascular diseases, decreases when the lumen of the arteries and distant parts of the body poorly supplied with blood (artery occlusive disease, atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels  Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels
 , diabetes).



In all chronic inflammatory diseases of great importance is the overall condition of the body, including its resistance to external influences (immunity). When lowered immunity, which is, for example, for patients with diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 , Inflammation can spread to deeper tissues and lead to gangrene or distribution of purulent inflammatory process in the whole foot. The same complications may occur if the ingrown nail occurs in patients with lesions (narrowing) of the blood vessels when the tissue poorly supplied with blood (artery occlusive disease, atherosclerosis).


Treatment of ingrown nail

Treatment usually begins with conservative (without surgery) events. BEST appointed footbaths with an antiseptic solution (solution furatsilina 1: 5000, pink, 0, 5% solution of potassium permanganate, 2% soda solution) twice a day for 20-30 minutes, followed by application of the ointment bandages (e.g., levomikol). At the edge of the nail and soft tissues are paving the narrow strips of gauze soaked in antiseptic solution. During treatment, it is recommended to wear a soft, large shoes.

If the disease becomes protracted or complicated by suppuration, the operative treatment - removal of an ingrown nail or the entire nail plate. Operate ingrown nail after decrease in acute inflammation under local anesthesia, dragging the base of the finger thin rubber tube. Most often changed in the course of the operation portion of the nail is removed, along with his bed (the soft tissue under the nail), or relapse of the disease. After surgery, the wound dressing is applied ointment. After 3-4 weeks, when there has been growth of the new nail should place them under the edge of the gauze turunda (folded several times a narrow strip of gauze) before you install the correct position of the nail. Turundy changed every 1-2 days.


Prevention nail diseases

Hygiene Nail is washing the feet with soap and a brush. Nail Care should be regular. As the regrowth of nails need a haircut, observing the rules of hygiene and avoiding injury nail ridges. Places accidental cuts treated with hydrogen peroxide or iodine tincture.

Pedicure necessary to carry out a clean sanitized or disposable instruments, and then to do a light massage the feet and toes with a nourishing cream.

To prevent the development and recurrence of ingrown nail to avoid cutting it too short, especially from the sides, not wearing tight (especially high-heeled) shoes. In addition, you must promptly treat minor injuries nail fold.

For the prevention of septic complications is necessary to raise the immune system - to engage in hardening of the body and exercise, which also contribute to the improvement of blood circulation.

Galina Romanenko

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