• Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes
  • For classes
  • Jacket and trousers
  • Clothing

 clothes for snowboarding
 Snowboard course is designed for real fans of extreme sports, but it should not become extreme for human health. To the sport was only for the good, you take care of acquiring high-quality clothing for snowboarding, which will not allow you to freeze and get wet. To buy the right clothes, you need to have some knowledge about the materials from which it is sewn, and their basic characteristics.

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


Carefully read the information on the label clothes for snowboarding, you will know what material it is made. Commonly used four kinds of materials:

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


Polyester is durable, resistant to compression and tensile stress (its area, unlike some other materials, does not change after washing), dries quickly and does not allow the formation of condensate. All these qualities make it an excellent material of clothing intended for winter sports. Polyester tight enough, moreover, does not pass water. However, polyester clothes usually subjected to additional processing to enhance the quality of this tissue. Various types of polyester may vary in density, weight, and other qualities.

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


It is extremely durable, elastic material with low absorbent qualities. It is easily washed from most dirt, and dries quickly. As well as polyester, nylon is often treated with various substances that enhance its quality.

 clothes for snowboarding

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


There are clothes for snowboarding, created out of nylon or polyester microfibers. Very fine fibers and sophisticated modern technology are used to create high-performance, durable, lightweight, breathable, waterproof and windproof fabric. Clothes made of microfiber are usually very expensive, and it is often used by professional athletes.

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


This material is now used very widely: it is made from a variety of products, from clothing for snowboarding, to medical equipment. Gorteks - highly porous material (in one square centimeter is situated around 3.5 billion holes) and each opening of 20,000 times smaller water droplets. With this gorteks it is waterproof but allows the skin to breathe - through microscopic holes in the fabric passes steam but does not pass water. Gorteksa membranes are attached to the nylon or polyester, creating a protection against rain and snow, wind and cold.

 Snowboard Clothing - Fashion snowy slopes


  • Water resistance

Clothing for snowboarding must have at least some degree of water resistance to protect people from rain and snow. In general, the more extreme weather conditions in the area where you are going to do a snowboard, the more water-resistant materials, you should choose.

 clothes for snowboarding

Typically, clothing manufacturers snowboard coated fabrics such as nylon and polyester porous membranes, each of which increases the water resistance of clothing .  Unlike these materials, gorteksu not require an additional coating, it is designed so as to keep water .  Companies assign ratings clothes (waterproof rate), which are designed to give the buyer an idea of ​​how well it protects one or other clothes .  Water resistance is typically indicated in millimeters to show the pressure of a number of millimeters of water the fabric can withstand for 24 hours .  Thus, a jacket or pants for snowboarding with water resistance of 20,000 mm more reliable than water resistance of 10,000 mm .  Of course, the probability that throughout the day you fall 10000 mm rainfall is very small, but here it is necessary to take into account the force of water pressure (which increases, for example when during rain wind), and the force with which the body of the person presses on cloth .  With this in mind, manufacturers are making clothes for snowboarding with a maximum water resistance, which allow advanced materials .  To the water there is not the smallest openings, the upper layers of tissue at the joints do not normally crosslinked and are brazed using special technologies .

Furthermore, it is important to distinguish the waterproof and water repellent materials. The former has a higher rate of resistance to water, the latter - lower. Water-repellent clothing is usually more breathable; it is recommended to choose for skiing the slopes on clear days. If you ride in difficult weather conditions, it is better to give preference to waterproof clothing.

Over time, even the most expensive clothes for snowboarding absorbs dirt, oil, wear and tear. When the water-resistant fabric is reduced, it is time to replace the new clothes.

 clothes for snowboarding
  • Breathable fabric

Indicator breathable fabric capacity is usually indicated near the water resistance. This is significant given in grams (eg, 10,000 g), which is a simplification. In fact, it should be referred to as g / 24hrs / m² - number of grams of vapor that can pass through a square meter of fabric for 24 hours. That is, the higher the score, the greater the sweat evaporates from the skin surface, and the less condensation will form on the inside of the garment.

  • Wind protection

High in the mountains, even in clear weather often blowing strong and cold wind, so buy clothes, well protect the body from the wind. "Windproof" clothing can not be measured, however, the label usually indicates that the fabric provides protection from the wind.

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