• The style of this lady: The art of being a
  • Taboo

 a lady stylish taboo
 Eight things that are not to face a real lady: fashion taboos

1. Tattoos

Tattoos - tattoo adorned exclusively before the body of soldiers, sailors, mafiosi and punk. About ten years ago, they miraculously came into vogue. Girls, which can be roughly classified as lower middle class, loved tattoos and began to apply them to your body in the most exotic locations. Unfortunately, in contrast to the terrible shoe popular in recent years, tattoos can not be attributed to the commission and forget about them, as a nightmare.

People find a certain type of tattoo "funky". Others believe that the tattoo - is like graffiti on the walls of the temple of the soul. One thing is certain: the tattoo eloquently that their owner is the lower class of society, asocial, unpredictable and a little crazy. Bol, the tattoo is like no other sign, helps to identify the person, which once again proves the stupidity of some bandits in abundance adorning his body tattoo.

The same situation with piercings Piercing  Piercing
 . Earrings and nose rings cause well-founded association with bulls and other cattle, which is thrifty brand. In addition, piercing creates a favorable environment for the accumulation of dirt, infection and punctured holes in the skin look simply disgusting.

If you are "decorated" with tattoos and piercings yourself, do not be surprised that others make of you an opinion even before you open your mouth.

2. Highlighted or tinted locks

You blond or brunette? Decide, in the end! Perhaps highlighting and toning strands was a novelty ten years ago. Not all gentlemen prefer blondes. Beautiful nemelirovannyh mop of brown or jet black hair today pleasantly pleases the eye with its originality.

Nobody is going to dispute the fact that blondes have more fun and interesting, but most of the inhabitants of the planet Earth is still dark-haired. Unnatural blonde bleached hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   It looks "interesting."

Today, however, the fashion for blondes have in the past. If full of blondes in every district center, then it's time repainted a brunette!

3. Massive earrings

Big earrings in the form of rings - an indispensable attribute of any self-respecting image gypsy, what, in fact, known to all. Of course, if you - a gypsy, all right then. The popularity of these earrings is surprising. Perhaps their enduring popularity can be explained by the fact that they are visually reduce the head. If your appearance there and all of the above features (tattoos, piercings, and you are blonde), you can not be mistaken for a lady, even in a dark room, that is, under any circumstances.

4. Excessive alcohol consumption

To get drunk pig squeal, laugh without reason, and fall to the ground right in the middle of the street, of course, have fun - if it happens to you. Watch all this from - much less interesting. Moreover, it looks disgusting.

5. peeps gum panties

Nobody argues that the panties looking out gum (especially strings) very erotic. But only if you have a good figure. However, this "negligence" cause men groaning is not admirable, if delicious (and even decorated with pimples) ass "pyshnoteloy" girl falls out of his jeans. Overeating, neglect gym, drinking and smoking - and ready.

Many wonder why most provocatively dressed girls walk through the streets with an impenetrable expression. So, we will reveal the secret. Half of them is trying to nip in the bud potential indecent overtures from men, and the rest - are angry that do not receive such offers!

In a frank, flashy eroticism nothing sexy and attractive. Eroticism is always casual - suddenly slept strap dress, slightly lifting the hem of her, momentarily opening a stocking, etc.

In addition, such tricks is especially annoying the entire female half of your workforce, even if we assume that you can come to work in this way. It's impossible? I wonder why?

6. Loud battle

Maybe your male friends and say they love your manners swear. They are unlikely to admit to you that really think. The habit of swearing out loud, and even in front of strangers - one of the first signs of an embittered man with low self-esteem. Loud curses (especially from the lips of women) instantly repelled. The more you battle, the more abuse destroys your subconscious.

7. Surgical Breast Enlargement

Sewn breast implants look good. From a distance. Compared with natural breasts artificially increased rather strange - it's like that next to a transsexual sex bomb. On closer inspection, they are not nearly resemble real breasts. Breast implant - only a perfectly functional device, became the object of jokes, and besides, with far-reaching implications for health.

By the way, some men like small breasts. Beauty has nothing to do with size. Meanwhile, many women are obsessed with their own appearance; on the way to perfection (however illusory it may be) nothing will stop them.

8. Too thin eyebrows or their absence

Some women completely plucked eyebrows and then draw a pencil or doing permanent makeup Tattoo - Dangerous Beauty  Tattoo - Dangerous Beauty
   eyebrows. Is it better to natural brows? In the end, there is a risk to become a clown and a freak. Lack of hair suggests illness. Plucking hair is often suggestive of a mental disorder. Girls, stop! Do not try to further decorate your beautiful face! Remember, strive for the best, we often spoil good!

Important note:   Beware of people who tell you to do at least something of the above. Let them assure you it is crazy. Better to perish in the company, so that some people get great pleasure from the shame of others.

Be yourself. Do not chase fashion. Do not imitate idols. Choose your destiny themselves.

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