• Your style or 10 things you need to know about fashion
  • Practical advice

 your style practical tips
 Your style: practical tips

In modern fashion, there are several common dress code, which is desirable to observe that would not look ridiculous. It is true of any rule there are exceptions - such as Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex and the City") breaks all the rules and at the same time looks amazing. But most of us, it's worth to follow them.

1. Moderation should be around. You do not need to wear the fancy stuff all at once, otherwise you will look like a gypsy. And it all looks quite funny.

2. If you think that some of the things you can not wear because of their age, give up on them once and for all, no matter how fashionable they are. Otherwise you will feel insecure and uncomfortable.

3. However, do not be afraid to use in his wardrobe of clothes designed for a different age group. If you are 55 years old and feel good in a miniskirt, then why not? And if you're a young girl, but you are attracted only to the strict pantsuits - do not hesitate. The main thing is to feel comfortable in these clothes. 4. Suit black What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos  What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos
   always looks more expensive and stylish.

5. If you sit penniless, it is better to postpone the shopping trip for better times rather than to buy a cheap and low-quality clothing. Cheap clothing looks good only in very young individuals. 6. Fashion is very fleeting, and usually wear reaches the consumer at the peak out of fashion.

7. Try to experiment. If you've ever been too conservative, wear a miniskirt. Or jeans with a low waist. Do not be afraid to experiment, play with color, length, style. Most likely in the end you will come to his style again, but be sure to bring him something new and interesting.

 your style practical tips
 8. Do not forget about the dress code, you received on the job. Neckline, sheer blouses, very short skirts - all this is best left for the evening and weekend. And on weekdays, from 9 to 17 hours, better to dress in the style adopted in your office.

9. Fashion is only part of your life. Inner peace and spiritual development are also part of the style, and never go out of fashion.

10. Your clothes are able to tell a lot about you. Keep this in mind when composing your wardrobe.

Fashion - a trap into which you can easily get there. We present to you Five common mistakes That woman in pursuit of her

1. No need to blindly trust the media. You buy all the fashion magazines, do not miss a single fashion show, watch for fashion on the Internet - you can easily become a victim. Most journals showing clothes on the charming models on which you want to be like. But the problem is that you, first of all, can hardly afford to buy such clothes. And secondly, you'll never look at a different model or celebrity, and the clothes that look good on them, you can produce the opposite effect.

2. Do not buy clothes that currently you a little bit small, thinking that you will lose weight. Even if this is some incredible thing at an attractive price. Perhaps she had sagged in your closet and you never her she did not take advantage. Another thing, if you wear a little too big - a good tailor can easily fix this problem.

3. Do not buy all your favorite things in a row. Clothing should be easily combined with each other. And by buying some piece of clothing that does not fit with any one thing in your wardrobe you just spend the extra money and chuck your wardrobe completely unnecessary junk (do not be afraid to say the word!)

4. Buying from year to year is almost the same clothes, you can easily get stuck in a single style. Maybe sometimes it is to change something about your appearance?

5. When choosing lingerie, be very careful. Linen - a very important piece of clothing and you can both beautify and spoil your appearance. Let it be high-quality and beautiful always, not just when you're going on a date. After all, the feeling that you have under your clothes beautiful lingerie will give you confidence.

And finally, some useful tips for those who, despite all the warnings, ready to sacrifice himself capricious fashion:

 your style practical tips
 1. Coverall
Overalls better not to wear if you do not live on a farm. They do not go almost anyone and there are plenty of other clothes that will allow you to look sexy - like regular men's shirt tied in a knot at the waist looks much better than any suit.

2. The hair in braids
Forget the spit, let them remain in your childhood. Wear loose hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   or ponytail - perhaps the only universal hairstyle for women of any age.

3. Knee
Wear the socks you like, but only with pants! In no case do not wear socks with skirts or dress. These are clothes for children and teenagers, but not for an adult woman. Wear tights or demonstrate to others their slender tanned legs.

4. Fur
If you like fur Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
 Then let it be an expensive fur. Collars or fur capes rabbit looks at least funny.

5. Colour
Do not overdo it with color. The bright multi-colored clothes, you'll look like a hippie. On the other hand, bright accessories - hats, bags - look good.

Natalia Sharygina

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