• Acne Treatment: the procedures and drugs
  • What will help

 to aid in the treatment of acne

To aid in the treatment of acne

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, including a combination of norgestimate and etinilestraliola (Ortho Tri-Cyclen, the Previfen and others) can improve the condition for acne in women. However, these drugs can cause side effects, such as headache Headache  Headache
 , Breast tenderness, nausea and depression Depression  Depression
 . These side effects should be discussed with your doctor. The most serious potential complications - this is a slightly increased risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies  High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies
   and blood clots.


Laser and light therapy

Treatment with the laser light reaches the deeper layers of the skin without damaging its surface. It is believed that laser therapy acts on sebaceous glands causing them to produce less sebum. Light therapy works on the bacteria that cause inflammation of the skin. These methods of treatment can also improve the texture of skin and make scars less visible. To understand how to most effectively use the light and laser in the treatment of acne, more research is needed, and now experts recommend them as separate types of treatment for patients who can not tolerate approved drugs against acne. These treatments can cause discomfort and temporary problems with the skin, similar to severe sunburn.

Beauty treatments

Chemical peels and microdermabrasion may be helpful in the treatment of acne. These cosmetic procedures that are traditionally used to reduce wrinkles, sun damage and the effects of minor scars on the skin, the most effective when combined with other treatments of acne. They can cause temporary severe redness, peeling and blistering, as well as long-term changes in skin pigmentation.


Treatment of acne scars

Physicians can apply certain procedures to minimize scars from acne. These include dermal fillers, dermabrasion, intense light therapy and laser resurfacing.

  • Dermal fillers. Collagen or fat can be driven into the skin and into scars to fill out or stretch the skin, making the scars less visible. The results from this procedure are temporary, so these injections have to be repeated periodically.
  • Chemical peels. Highly acid is used to remove the top layer of the skin to reduce the deeper scars. Some are stronger peels penetrate the skin more deeply.
  • Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is usually used for more severe scarring. During this procedure, the upper layer of skin is removed rapidly rotating brush. Superficial scars may disappear entirely, and deeper scars from acne may be less noticeable. Dermabrasion can cause skin discoloration in people with a dark skin.
  • Microdermabrasion. It is a new acne scar treatment uses a device that sprays on the skin crystals. These krsitally gently polish skin surface. Then vacuum tube removes the crystals and skin cells. Since only the surface cells are removed, the skin is not damaged. However, the results are insignificant, and scars may remain visible even after several treatments.
  • Laser, light and radiofrequency treatments. During laser resurfacing a laser beam destroys the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heats the layer being deeper (dermis). When the wound heals, new skin forms. Less intense lasers (nonablativnye lasers), pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices do not injure the epidermis. These treatments heat the dermis and cause the formation of new skin. This suggests at least a long recovery time, but usually these procedures should be repeated more often and results are not very noticeable.
  • Surgical treatment of the skin. During this operation a small perforation of the skin is cut remove some scars. Place removal scar stitches or close the flap of skin.

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