• Snoring: how to cope with the problem
  • Methods

 treatment of snoring

Methods of treatment of snoring

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Daytime sleepiness? Palpitations nocturnal urination? Or do you have sleep disorders and hypertension? No? That's good, because if you have snoring, then you have a predisposition to the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea, or, in other words, a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, because of which the person often wakes up. All of the above symptoms are symptoms of OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).

It would seem, well, what's stopping you snoring? If it is someone interferes and so it is your loved ones, the people with whom you live. But not all so simple. Pay attention to these numbers: 90% of hypertensive patients observed snoring, and 50% of those diagnosed - OSA. It is disappointing numbers and very dangerous, too. The fact that many consider the first stage of OSA snore. But what is so dangerous sleep apnea?

Respiratory arrest, and this is characterized mainly OSAS lead to oxygen starvation Fasting - this is natural  Fasting - this is natural
   tissues, and especially - brain tissue. In addition, cessation of breathing and can lead to serious disorders of cardiac activity. There are also frequent cases of stroke, heart attack in his sleep.


Why do I suffer from snoring?

According to statistics, snoring affects 20-30% of the population of the Earth, and people have stepped 60-year milestone, more often - 50% of them.

Snoring as a sound formed by the complicated passage of air through the airways. Let's understand, what exactly difficult passage. Basically, it's anatomical features of the body:

  • Deviated septum
  • Congenital narrowness of the nasal passages and / or pharynx
  • Polyps in the nose
  • Staphyloptosis
  • Little shifted posterior mandible (with malocclusion)
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Adiposity

In addition, there are factors that reduce muscle tone nasopharyngeal muscles, namely, those in the formation of a narrow passage leading to occurrence of snoring. Reduced tone occurs even during normal sleep. Also on the positive effect tone does not lack of sleep, sleep disorders, fatigue. Our bad habits are also not left behind: alcohol and smoking clearly reduces muscle tone. Sleeping pills, aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   (the most common cause if you do not keep yourself in shape), menopause, decreased thyroid function -, store them into the possible causes.

As you can see, the causes can be many. And the question arises: if this is really so dangerous, what do I do now ?! Can accept and wait for a more dangerous disease - OSA?


How to deal with snoring

Treat Snoring can and should be mandatory. By the end of the 20th century it has been invented already treatments for snoring. And not all of them go surgical medication. The treatment takes special doctors - a sleep.

If you decide to carry out treatment in specialized centers, it offers a wide variety of methods. And, first of all, a surgical method.

The surgical technique involves many types of surgery: septoplasty, adenotomy, tonsillectomy, correction of nasal valve, reducing the lingual tonsil and many others. It should also be noted as one of the cryotherapy surgical treatments for snoring. Cryotherapy, or treatment of deep cold, to reduce the size of the uvula to reduce the volume and increase the density of the sky.

Hardware treatment of snoring. Placed in the mouth to prevent the phenomenon of snoring. These devices operate on the principle of muscle stimulation of the uvula and the sky. Thus, resulting in muscle tone, these devices eliminate the vibration and, hence, the snoring. The devices consist of "petals", relating to the language and special collars that hold the language itself, preventing it from falling or ingestion.

Homeopathic remedies. Regarding these funds among doctors and homeopaths still being debated, but their effectiveness can not be denied. Homeopathic remedies for snoring are available in pill form, is placed under the tongue and absorbable. It has shown excellent efficacy American drug SnoreStop.

Orthopedic pillows. If the cause of snoring is ceasing language while you sleep on your back, then the person should change position during sleep from the back to the side. To facilitate this transition apply orthopedic pillows.


What can you do personally to combat snoring

Once again, read the causes of snoring. First of all, watch your health. Screened regularly by a doctor, and at the slightest hint of thyroid disease Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?  Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?
   start treatment. Polyps in the nose can also be removed surgically. An increase in tonsil inflammation often occurs when a cold, so pay attention to these details.

With obesity start to lose weight. If you have a predisposition to gain weight, try not to exceed the norm.

Do you like to drink and smoke? Throw harmful addiction, in addition to direct effects, they can lead to snoring and OSA. Do not take sleeping pills, drugs are the same! Watch out for the quality of sleep, take a soothing herbs if required. Try to get enough sleep as it should.

Always keep muscle tone: Exercise, do exercise, do not let old age to have power over you!

Maria Tsareva

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