what to wear a long skirt
 Long skirts became fashionable a few years ago, do not lose relevance. And this is natural: it is difficult to find a more feminine attire. Long skirts are almost everything and appropriate in almost any situation. And still need to know what to wear a long skirt, not to get an old-fashioned, but stylish and current look.


The secret charm

Is there a dress more feminine and refined than the maxi-skirt? This style gives the figure of grace and unobtrusively hide the extra kilos. A long skirt - a true symbol of femininity, paradoxically combines modesty and sensuality, severity and coquetry.

A woman in a long skirt feels quite differently than in trousers or frank toilet: movements are smooth and attractive gait.

This garment dictates demeanor, reminding its owner about her femininity.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

It would seem that the days of heavy ladies in elegant long toilets are long gone: modern women are energetic and businesslike, active and resolute like a man. But, strangely enough, long skirts are in perfect harmony with the modern lifestyle. They do not fetter movements and give the hosts their sense of freedom, at the same time subtly emphasizing sexuality. Properly combining maxi skirt with other items of clothing and accessories, you can always look fashionable, stylish, interesting.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

Styles long skirts surprisingly varied, and therefore universal solutions can not be. How successful will blend maxi skirt with a particular "top" it depends on the style and material of the skirt. No less important, and data owner attire: if the high and slender women can afford almost any options, then those who are dissatisfied with their figure should prefer such a combination that will visually slimmer figure.


Long skirts and figure

Skirts Maxi - a real salvation for women who are dissatisfied with their figure. Choosing such skirts, however, should be very carefully: poorly chosen style not only hide the "problem areas", but also emphasize them. Therefore it is better to give up:

  • Skirts with pleats;
  • Models with abundant decoration in the upper part;
  • Shiny fabric;
  • Large ornaments;
  • Multilayered skirts.

Preference is better to give flowing patterns, soft outline line shape, but not tight fitting thigh and abdomen. Great look on the plump woman skirt style "year" fitting at the top and bottom of expanding through a special cut. This style as it balances the silhouette, making it easier and more elegant. Well it will look and the traditional A-line. Elegant models, widening at the bottom, a distraction from heavy hips and make a graceful silhouette.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

Low women often can not decide on the purchase of long skirts, fearing that such a model can visually reduce the height. We can not say that such fears are completely unfounded, but it all depends on the style. So, should abandon the skirts of dense, heavy fabrics. Low is not recommended too wide skirt maxi best opted for tight hip model. Style "year" will help to visually add a few centimeters of growth. And the proportions of the figure can be improved by opting for skirts with a little bit high waistline.


Shoes & Accessories

When choosing shoes importantly, to shoes, sandals or boots in harmony with the tissue from which the skirt is sewn. The fabric is thinner and more elegant, so graceful to be shoes. By the summer silk skirt essential sandals spike heel, and a winter long skirt of wool or jersey is better to choose boots or rough shoes with thick soles. The upper part of the boots or shoes have to be covered by a skirt.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

In combination with ballet flats or sandals flat shoes long skirt will look with ease - perfect for unwinding. If the supplement maxi skirt elegant shoes with heels, the image immediately becomes elegant and festive. The choice of footwear depends on the choice of other accessories - shoes for flat shoes Flat shoes are in fashion again  Flat shoes are in fashion again
   suit bags large bright and long, thin scarves and smartly to the kit should choose the appropriate accessories. For example, the image can be supplemented izyaschnymklatchem and decorations.


What to wear on top

A long skirt is very demanding on the "pair" and does not forgive mistakes. Unsuccessful combinations make the image of old-fashioned, boring or too rustic, and the figure - formless and ugly. That is why it is important to carefully adjusted proportions.

For a long wide skirt fitting needs to be "up." It can be top or blouse waisted on the figure, it is important that the upper part of the dress is not too large and elongated. Blouses made of thin fabric can be charged with a skirt. If the style of the upper part of the dress involves wearing trousers, the optimum length of blouses or stamp will be up to the waist or on the hips to the seed, not longer.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

Styles of shirts, blouses and tops is better to choose simple, so as not to "overload" the image. It is best to choose the upper part of the dress, sleeveless or with narrow sleeves.

Color same solutions can be very different. Most advantageous to look kits in one color, but contrasting combinations can also be very interesting.

 what to wear a long skirt
  what to wear a long skirt

By the elegant long skirts made of thin fabric can be selected as open top - excellent will look, for example, a corset. Suitable and open top with a daring neckline. If the skirt is sewn of dense tissue is better to give preference to fitting sweater or sweatshirt of fine cashmere.

As for outerwear Outerwear: with special warmth  Outerwear: with special warmth
 , It should also be short. From a long cardigan Cardigan - Fashionable summer clothing  Cardigan - Fashionable summer clothing
   It should be abandoned, but coquettish fashionable bolero or jacket, leather jackets will look very impressive.

Maria Bykov

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