long-term stacking
 There are lucky in the world, which is enough to hold the hair brush to look attractive. But most women have to make efforts to create a beautiful hairstyle. Those who are tired of spending hours each day in front of a mirror, suitable carving - a long-term styling, very popular salon treatment.


What is carving

 long-term stacking
 In fact, carving the hair is just a kind of "chemistry", that is, long-irons. But classical "chemistry" bad reputation: for this type of irons used aggressive compounds that are harmful to the hair. After this procedure, the hair requires serious treatment, and in some cases, can only help the haircut: strands look lifeless, rigid, over-dried hair is shiny and easy to break. Long-term same styling done by sparing drugs, allowing to keep the hair elastic, shiny and soft.

The term "carving" began to be applied in respect of the hair specialists of the company «Schwarzkopf», which developed the delicate structure for long-term placement.

Initially this installation is done using twisted curlers, but eventually began to use stylists, and other kinds of hair curlers - thin, large, spiral, "Boomerang" and others.


Advantages and disadvantages of the method

 long-term stacking
 Carving has a number of advantages over conventional perm. Thus, the hair remains healthy and almost "live", they cause minimal damage. Hair becomes more luxuriant, and hair - softer and "obedient." Ingredients for carving virtually safe for color-treated hair, but better to do the carving, and a few days to paint the hair. Making long-term stacking is possible more than once a year, as is the case with a perm, and more often - every two or three months. Sometimes compositions for carving is not applied to the entire length of hair, but only at the roots - this allows you to get the volume of natural hair.

Disadvantages carving - continued its advantages. As for long-term hair sparing formulations used, the result is persistent - the splendor of the hair and hairstyles form are not stored more than one month. It is a mistake to think that carving allows completely abandon the periodic hair - just after the installation procedure can be done less often, and the power it takes less.

While carving - sparing procedure, it is better to abandon it if the hair are too dry, depleted differ brittleness and fragility.

Contrary to popular belief, carving does not contribute to strengthening the hair Strengthen hair - on what to look for  Strengthen hair - on what to look for
 Procedure only applies mane minimum possible damage. We do not recommend long-term blow to those who often traumatizes the hair dyeing or lightening. Owners thick and long hair have to give up carving already for another reason: the delicate compositions simply "not cope" with heavy locks, and the effect of the procedure will not be noticeable.


During the procedure and after

 long-term stacking
 At the barber's chair to create a long-term placement should spend no more than two hours. First Master to wind the hair on curlers, and then dampen the composition for carving with a minimum of chemical components. To achieve a natural effect possible to use rollers of different size and shape. At the end of the term of the manufacturer's recommended composition wash hair.

With every wash head hair will gradually get out of shape. To keep the impact on the more or less long time, you need to use special tools for curly hair. The hair becomes manageable, after the procedure, they are easy to curl, or, conversely, to straighten. Effectively will look at such hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   "Artistic mess", and in the summer is to experiment with styling and the effect of wet hair. You can opt out of the installation - of course, in this case the hair will not look as perfect as in the picture in the magazine, but the hair is fluffy and volume.

Even the most delicate preparations for long-term placement is still not very useful for hair, especially for dry and damaged.

As perm Perming hair - important proper care  Perming hair - important proper care
 , Carving recommended especially prone to greasy hair - short or medium length. In the long-term to do long hair laying pointless: under its own weight curls quickly lose their shape. Having been processed hair is often desirable to indulge moisturizing and nourishing vitamin mask, and use them to take care of special tools.


Independent long-term stacking

If you wish, you can make carving yourself at home - it is only necessary to purchase special preparations for long-term placement. The technology is simple enough:

  • Hair must be clean and dry;
  • Strands evenly and tightly wound on curlers of all sizes and shapes;
  • With a sponge future ringlets liberally wetting solution;
  • The treated hair should be removed under the plastic cap from the top to put on warming cap;
  • After this time, the manufacturer of the drug should wash your hair with hot water without shampoo without removing the curlers;
  • After that, the locks applied a different composition - fixing. He also washed off without shampoo;
  • After removing the curlers, hair should be liberally apply a nourishing balm;
  • The procedure is finished. Now you only have to dry and put the hair;
  • After carving, made at home or in the salon, do not wash your hair for three days. In the future, when washing, use nutritional products for hair after a perm.

Maria Bykov

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