Acupuncture - is a kind of Chinese traditional medicine, which has long since gone beyond China. Acupuncture has become particularly popular in the last 50 years. But despite centuries of positive experience in treating a variety of diseases, a clear theory to explain the mechanism of action of acupuncture on the human body is still there.
What is acupuncture and how it originated
Acupuncture (IRT) - is one of the techniques of reflexology - the impact of different ways (pricking with needles, burning, pressure, etc.) on specific points on the human body.
Acupuncture (Zhen therapy, acupuncture - AP) - One of the oldest methods of treatment and prevention of diseases that existed in China long before the advent of drug therapy. This method has acquired numerous myths. For example, in the myth of how acupuncture originated, it says that it happened by chance: Chinese peasant suffering from severe headaches hoe accidentally injured leg. When the pain in my leg gone, the farmer was surprised to see that he does not hurt and my head. This incident gave impetus to the development of acupuncture, different techniques that have been passed in China from generation to generation.
There is no clear explanation of the effects of modern acupuncture on the human body does not exist.
Chinese medicine connects the impact on the acupuncture points with the basic provisions of its philosophy. So, in the human body through the channels (meridians) moves vital energy chi. In certain locations it passes sufficiently close to the body surface, and these places are acupuncture points. In total there are now opened a little less than 700, including fixed - 150. There are 12 main meridians and 8 special or "wonderful." There are points located outside the meridians.
All diseases somehow associated with movement or stagnation chi energy in the body as a whole and a particular organ. Therefore, all impacts are divided into excitation and inhibition chi energy. To illustrate this technique in Chinese medicine, there are a number of rules that allow the doctor to grasp and understand this technique. All these rules are closely related to Chinese philosophy.
The main provisions of Chinese philosophy, which formed the basis of acupuncture
According to Chinese philosophy, the universe is a unified whole, which is in constant motion. The source of this constant movement is the presence of opposites, which in ancient times were called "Yin" and "Yang". These principles seek to suppress each other, they are closely interrelated and are converted into each other. Home Yang - all bright, male, positive, but there is always a particle beginning Yin - the passive, female, dark. On the other hand, it is always present in the Yin Yang particle. In a healthy body Yin and Yang are in relative equilibrium, but when this balance changes in either direction, there is a disease. The task of the physician is to restore this balance.
Another philosophical concept, which formed the basis of acupuncture, is the doctrine of the five elements.
According to the ancient Chinese world consists of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Every object in nature, as well as every organ in the human body, belongs to one of these elements, which are mutually suppressed (predotvoraschayut overgrowth) or mutually generate (growth promoting) of each other. In Chinese philosophy, these elements are traditionally portrayed arranged in a circle (the fire - earth - metal - water - tree) - it is better seen their influence on each other.
For example, the heart belongs to the element of fire, so it generates the work of the spleen (earth). Spleen in turn generates the lungs (metal). Stimulation of the work is as follows: heart (fire) produces work of the spleen (earth), the spleen - lung (metal), lung - kidney (water), kidney - wood (liver), a tree - heart (fire). Suppression same goes in the opposite direction. For example, if a doctor works on the acupuncture points of the heart, it stimulates not only the work of the heart, but also the work of the spleen, but also inhibits the work of the liver.
On these two basic concepts of Chinese philosophy built all the other rules of acupuncture, which are figurative names, such as "mother-son" when clockwise is the stimulation of the organs (the mother) and counter-clockwise - the suppression of (son).
How is a session of acupuncture
Meridian create a network of paths that circulate energy and blood. The doctor acts on the point and adhering to the rules of Chinese medicine, suppresses or stimulates the body or that.
In effect on acupuncture points produced by special thin acupuncture needles are inserted under the skin at a particular depth, depending on the depth of that point. At this point the combination, which is made some effect and a technique of exposure (the nature of the needles, the exposure time and so on, i.e. formulation) may vary and depend on the disease being treated.
Acupuncture - it is one of the most effective methods of reflexology
Reflexology: restoring the body's bio-energy
Which is a unique collection of centuries-old experience of Chinese traditional medicine.
Galina Romanenko
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