dilated blood vessels on the face
 Look closely at his face, and perhaps you will see the fine capillaries, which usually appear on the chin, nose and cheeks. Advanced vessels on the face - it is not dangerous, but most of us consider them ugly, and looking for ways to get rid of this problem. Dilated capillaries is four times more common in women.


Causes of dilated capillaries

Dilated capillaries can be caused by various reasons, some of which can be prevented. The most common cause - a skin damage due to sun exposure and excessive expansion of blood vessels due to these sources of inflammation or irritation, such as rosacea (rosacea). Too vigorous use scrub the skin can worsen the condition of sensitive areas, aggravating the appearance of dilated capillaries.

In addition, it can be influenced by factors such as age, genetics, hormones, the use of birth control pills Birth control pills - how effective are they?  Birth control pills - how effective are they?
 As well as those diseases that make the blood vessels on the face of over-expansion (alcoholism).

Long-term treatment with corticosteroids can cause dilated capillaries in the skin. Injuries of the skin, surgery or radiotherapy in carcinoma are also closely linked with the emergence of visible capillaries in the skin.


Dilated capillaries on the face

Dilated capillaries on the face can be a manifestation of the above diseases. If they appear to be isolated, they look like tiny red lines or "spider veins", usually around the nose and cheeks.

Dilated capillaries are more common in fair-skinned people who have been exposed to longer solar exposure. Ultraviolet rays - the cause of damage to the capillaries on the face of people with sensitive skin. No matter what the cause of dilated capillaries, the main preventive measure - is to prevent the emergence of new capillaries, avoiding exposure to the sun using creams with sun protection factor spf 30+ and wearing a hat.

Treatments that reduce the capillaries does not exist, but there are many ways to help improve the condition of making the capillaries invisible or make them disappear.



Use a good quality concealer can be a sufficient measure, if a little dilated capillaries or they are at least a significant part of the face. Use a concealer with a base of green to cover the redness; it will do better than a flesh-colored concealer. Blend your usual tonal basis over the concealer and loose powder on top put a face to fix the makeup.


Tretinoin (creams with Vitamin A)

On sale there are many skin creams that promise to improve the dilated capillaries, but in reality there is no cream that would make them disappear. Tretinoin helps make these capillaries less visible, because it promotes the formation of collagen in the superficial dermis, thus minimizing the visibility of capillaries are said to dermatologists.

Some women think that using tretinoin, on the contrary, increases the number of dilated capillaries, but experts believe that this is due to exposure to the sun, as well as with age.


Electrolysis (moxibustion electric shock)

Inexpensive method which is used for evaporation of broken capillaries - this electrical cauterizing current. During the procedure, the dermatologist uses a thin needle through which an electric current is applied to the skin and destroy the capillaries. This type of treatment is effective but can cause the appearance of small scars are formed in places where the needle enters the skin.

The dermatologist determines whether this method is suitable for combating with your problem. Thin instrument resembling the tip of the needle, at a very low voltage, gently touches the capillary region, evaporating vasodilatation, and they disappear. This procedure can be a bit unpleasant, but it is short.


Laser or IPL (intense pulsed light)

These procedures can treat broken capillaries, however, they are more expensive. Laser treatment sessions (they come in different types) lasts fifteen to twenty minutes. It may take from one to three sessions to reduce the capillaries on the face. Laser treatment can be a little painful, often with it a feeling as if the face rub a rubber band. After the procedure, there can be small bruises.

Light therapy or intense pulsed light operates similarly, although the light which is applied at the same time - this is not a laser. Dermatologists say that patients should expect some tingling sensation during the procedure, as well as the appearance of redness, which will be held a few days after the procedure. Laser treatments are usually very effective.



During the procedure, a dermatologist mikroukalyvaniya conducted several small roller covered with very fine needles on the skin in different directions. It breaks the capillaries and the body easily absorb them. This procedure is often used to get rid of the dense layer of broken capillaries around the nose.



Radio waves can be sent through the skin under her capillaries and destroy them. Some dermatologists prefer radio light therapy, because after this procedure, there is less redness.



Although sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy  Sclerotherapy
   mainly used for the treatment of broken capillaries in the legs, this method is sometimes used for the treatment of broken capillaries on the face. During sclerotherapy, a dermatologist uses a small needle to enter the sclerosing agent directly into the broken capillaries. Sclerosing agent causes inflammation of the capillaries, depriving them of their blood supply. After some time, the capillary disappears. It may take many sclerotherapy treatments, and take a few weeks before the show full effectiveness.

After treating dilated capillaries, it is important to use sunscreen daily Sunscreen: summer trends  Sunscreen: summer trends
 To prevent undesirable redness in the future.

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