• Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?
  • The skin
  • Influence of the solarium
  • Age pigmentation
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 cure liver spots
 Efforts in recent years, solar activity, which the experts say, and the desire of some people - in whatever was to gain a tanned complexion, led to what is becoming more and more frequent recourse to cosmetologists about hyperpigmentation. The question is how to treat age spots, concerns not only the condition of the skin, but the whole of human health in general. Because dark spots may appear even when the sun does not stay on long, cause hyperpigmentation can become internal medicine or problems with metabolism. That is why before you start treatment, it is recommended to go to the doctor.

 Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?

The causes darkening of the skin

Set the root of the problem is not always easy. May require assays, including hormones as hyperpigmentation manifestations are associated with abrupt changes in hormonal levels, especially in women. The risk of dark spots are also vulnerable people who lead unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking strong tea and coffee, not enough sleep and eat on the go. The use of dubious quality makeup can also cause hyperpigmentation, as well as taking certain pharmacological agents.

If the cause of hyperpigmentation is installed, you will need to remove it, without that treatment of age spots can be effective, and its result - temporary.

If spots appear due to cosmetics or tablets (such as contraceptives or improper), the doctor will recommend to change the means of self-care and a method of contraception; In addition, no harm will be taking a multivitamin and normalization of metabolism. If health is OK, then the treatment of age spots is symptomatic.

 Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?

Fighting hyperpigmentation: medication mud cosmetics?

Depending on the degree of pigmentation, a specialist may prescribe specific drugs that directly affect the production of melanin. Such tools are powerful, and they must be applied strictly by prescription, to avoid more serious problems than hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?  Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?
 . The doctor will recommend pharmaceutical agents UF-filter which will need to use every time, leaving the street - both in summer and winter.

Furthermore, it may take some salon treatments: as spots appear on the uppermost layer of skin, the deep peeling may make them lighter, or made to disappear completely. Chemical peels, cryotherapy, laser whitening, phototherapy can help cope with the symptoms of hyperpigmentation.

 Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?

Homemade ways to whiten your spots on the skin

Helps to get rid of the problem and ways of home and traditional medicines. Bleaching masks based on sour fruit, yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 , Cucumber and lemon juice, decoctions of the fruits of Viburnum, tinctures on St. John's wort can whiten your spots, but these methods need to be used regularly. In addition, the majority of funds for whitening of the skin - both domestic and salon - have a drying effect, so their use must necessarily be combined with additional care and moisturizing. This is especially true problem spots on the hands and other areas where the skin is thin and dry.

However, the dark spots can be not only dark but also white. This disease is called vitiligo What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots  What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots
 Reasons for it are poorly understood, and the treatment of such spots is prolonged. In any case, to prevent the appearance of age spots is much easier than then cure them. Monitor your health, do not carried away by the solarium and tanning in the sun and always protect your skin with special tools, can be partially protect themselves from the manifestations of hyperpigmentation in the form of ugly dark spots on the face or body.

Read more The skin

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