Cinnamon and honey - one of this combination is warm and cozy. It seems that such a gastronomic duo came up to warm the cold autumn and winter, as another alternative aromatic mulled wine but without the alcohol. The true value of cinnamon and honey is much broader than a warming drink. These products strengthen the immune system, give a good mood
Good mood: Secrets positive
They help the body cope with adverse events and facilitate weight loss.
Healing drink
Cinnamon and honey taken in a beverage that is prepared very simply. In a glass of water you need to take one teaspoon of cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey. In the cup of boiling water dissolve cinnamon powder, mix thoroughly and wait for about twenty minutes, so that the water has cooled down a bit. Then put two tablespoons of honey. Do not put honey in hot water, which kills most of its beneficial properties, leaving only the sweetness and a pleasant aroma. Drink a glass of drink in the morning on an empty stomach right after awakening. You can also cook the cinnamon with honey drink in the evening and at night.
To improve the efficiency of honey-cinnamic beverage note the quality of products.
If you can not use ready ground cinnamon in tea bags from the store, but in the sticks - well, because it is retained more vitamins. Honey should be fresh, not pasteurized and certainly not sugared. The quality of honey for the preparation of therapeutic drink is very important because if the product is on the shelf you have a few months, chances are you will not get all of it good.
Useful combination
Positive properties of this drink consist of the use of cinnamon and honey - each product has a number of medicinal properties that make them desirable components not only in gastronomy, but also in the medical field.
Make the drink taste more diverse and broaden the range of useful features help other components that perfectly blend with cinnamon and honey
The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
. This ginger and lemon, are struggling with colds, enhance immunity, excellent vitaminize and tone the body. Just one slice of lemon and a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger. After adding all the ingredients, the drink should be shaken well. If you cook it for a whole day to receive the morning and evening, you may need to filter the liquid, because at the bottom of a precipitate. Take a drink should be warm - not piping hot and cold.
Properties cinnamon
Cinnamon - known oriental spices, which is part of the plurality of confectionery and loved the world over for its fascinating, spicy flavor. That he is charged with the ability to improve mood and fight depression and resist stress. People who dream to lose weight, it is recommended not to neglect the cinnamon, adding it to the various dishes and drinks, because it has a wonderful property to reduce appetite. It stimulates the intestine and prevents the conversion of glucose into fat, reducing blood sugar and cholesterol. Cinnamon improves blood circulation, stimulates the brain and helps sosudorasshiryayusche acts in intellectual activity.
Properties of honey
Natural honey for centuries retains a reputation as one of the most popular and effective products of organic origin, used in folk medicine. It is rich in vitamins, organic acids, mineral acids, which provide him antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic, energy, and other properties. Honey can be consumed in small quantities in weight reduction programs for people who are hard to give up sweets. It prolongs youth and fights against premature aging
Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
the body as a powerful antioxidant.
Indications for use of cinnamon and honey
The drink can be consumed in the morning and evening, in the morning or in the evening or take two or three tablespoons throughout the day to treat a number of diseases, for the prevention or to enhance immunity.
Cinnamon with honey is effective for colds, inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis), inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), to reduce weight, to maintain efficient operation of the brain to stimulate blood circulation, hypotension, to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract ( with periodic constipation and "lazy" gut).
Do not take cinnamon and honey allergies and diabetics, people with bleeding disorders after strokes and heart attacks, with diagnosed disorders in the nervous system. Do not abuse people with caries honey, cinnamon is contraindicated during menstruation and the tendency to bleed. Pregnancy and lactation - also contraindications to receiving the drink, which can cause uterine contractions. Serious violations of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis with high acidity, ulcers - a reason to give up the drink.
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