Easy weight loss? If you had to count calories, indulge in your favorite dishes, intense exercise to lose even a few kilograms, this phrase may seem a mockery. However, while following the rules of a healthy diet and regular exercise require some effort to get rid of excess weight is not so difficult. To lose weight, it does not have to make sacrifices. It is enough to add to your diet changes and little patience - the results will not be instant, but they will be stable, and the process of losing weight does not hurt.
Add and not subtract
Forget the diet, based on stringent conditions and refusal of favorite products. Strictly speaking, you still have to give up certain foods - candy, for example, or cakes, but instead of telling yourself, "tomorrow I will not eat cakes and buns," say "tomorrow I will eat apples, grapes , melons, vegetable salads "- the list can be any useful products
Eight useful products, which you thought
That you like. The fact is that when a person gives the impression that he was deprived of something (even if the initiator is himself deprivation), he subconsciously seeks to compensate for the fact that he has taken away. In the case of losing weight in most cases it leads to the fact that the person having sustained a few days of restrictions, breaks, and often begins to eat more than before.
Forget about training
If the word "training" almost makes you idiosyncrasy, do not use it
. Millions of people in different countries every day say to myself that today they begin to train, and do not start
. There are so many millions of years - until the moment when they do not hear from the doctor that he must either put an end to a sedentary lifestyle, or rather writing a will
. At the same time everyone knows that exercise is necessary, but the fact of the need to go to the training causes a feeling of coercion and, as a consequence, generates resistance
. It's silly, but, in general, the very natural
. The solution is simple - do not think of exercise as a workout
. Just do not ride a bike (it does not say and do not think that going to train), swim, trim the lawn, wash the car, play with the dog or children (or all together), dance, sculpt snowmen - in a word, move as much as possible
. Maybe one day you realize that your body does not have enough load, and you go to the gym, but do it without feeling forced, and then the training will bring joy
. But even if this does not happen, the regular load is also a gym to help keep the body in good shape; just accept the fact that trainers and training under the guidance of the instructor does not like everything, and nekorite myself for it
Go for an outing
Everyday. Hiking - a great way to keep in good shape, without putting this much effort. Ideally, you need to walk at least one hour a day, but even a twenty-minute walk - it's much better than nothing. Use every opportunity to walk: exit the vehicle on the one or two stops before, perform a short walk at lunchtime, and so on. Over time, try to increase the distance you walk every day pass, and gradually the hips and waist will certainly decrease.
Lower the calorie content of your favorite dishes
Pizza will be as delicious if you use it for cooking the cheese with low fat content (for example, 24% instead of 45% fat). Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit or berries of the same delicious, like cottage cheese with a high fat content. Instead of frying meat or fish in butter, bake them with foil. When preparing homemade pastries, is added to the dough at least a little whole wheat flour. How can I rarely use for salads mayonnaise and sour cream
Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
; if possible, replace them with plain yogurt or vegetable oil.
Drink water before meals
This helps ease the appetite and not overeat, because the water creates a feeling of fullness - though not for long. Those who are accustomed to a very frequent snacking, it is helpful to keep on hand a bottle of water. Take a few sips, when once again there is a desire to eat. With intensive physical exercise you need to drink more than usual, and do not wait until you feel thirsty.
Look for like-minded people
Support for people who have the same goals as you, can not be overestimated. Doing to their weight loss program, try to find like-minded people; Share with them your objectives, agree that will regularly report to each other the results. However, go for a walk, ride a bicycle; You can arrange a party or joint screenings, where instead of the usual high-calorie snacks
Low calorie snacks
will be sliced fruits, berries, and whole-grain bread. The main advantage of "joint weight loss" is that you'll be with like-minded motivate each other, and you will be more difficult to get off track, knowing that you are not alone. An additional advantage - meet new people and experience.
Take something interesting
"I eat a lot especially when I'm bored" - nutritionists often hear from their patients such words. Many people overeat every evening when watching TV programs, that they are not interested in a long time. Find a fun hobby: it can be a drawing, photography, yoga courses. Or maybe you want to use your spare time to work for a charity? There are many areas where you will be able to apply their skills and learn something new. This will distract you from thinking about food and weight loss; Many patients wonder nutritionists that is to forget about the extra pounds and switch to something else, as the weight starts to come back to normal as if by itself. To do this, just realize that life is not limited to counting calories and waiting for the day when you could start favorite jeans fastened.
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