preserve youth
 Keeping youth - this is the correct age-appropriate diet, moderate exercise, the maximum possible daily exposure to fresh air and good mood Good mood: Secrets positive  Good mood: Secrets positive
 . The combination of all these factors will keep long young and attractive appearance.


Proper nutrition and preservation of youth

It is no secret that with age a person loses its energy potential: less moves, there is often a desire to rest. This is a consequence of the age slowing cellular metabolism. That is the person with the time begins to spend less energy. The daily ration of the same (and therefore the amount of calories per day), most people remains the same, which leads to increased body weight due to fat deposits.

A slight increase in weight with age can turn into obesity, and it is already becoming a challenge to the preservation of youth - get fat, it means to grow old. Not to mention the appearance (the first thing that catches the eye), obesity negatively affects the work of all internal organs, which greatly increases the load and this despite the fact that there is already a certain degree of "deterioration" of the internal organs.

The heaviest burden falls on the share of the cardiovascular system. It is estimated that every extra 10 cm in waist circumference consuming five or six years of life. Especially dangerous obesity in the waist for men - this is called central obesity, that it is the cause of heart attacks in men after 40 years.

Therefore, to save the youth is necessary to reduce the daily calorie intake. Caloric intake should be reduced very gradually. So, if we take 100% calorie daily diet of a young person under the age of 30 years, between 31-40 years of caloric should be slightly reduced (to 97%) and 41-50 years - up to 94% in 51-60 year - 86% in 61-70 years - to 79% at age 70 and older - 69%.


From what foods should reduce the calorie intake?

Primarily due to carbohydrate - sweets and baking. Secondly, it should significantly limit the consumption of red meat (beef, pork Pork - meat guide  Pork - meat guide
 , Lamb), replacing them with poultry and fish. Fish and seafood can be used without restrictions. Useful marine fish, including fatty - they contain substances that normalize lipid metabolism.

Useful low-fat dairy products, especially cheese and milk products. Recent contribute to the restoration of normal microflora in the gut. Because carbohydrates can be consumed vegetables (boiled, steamed, baked and steamed form), as well as a variety of cereals (limit is only porridge). Very useful and fresh vegetables, fruits, fresh juices as fruit and vegetables.

In old age should not drink caffeinated drinks - strong tea, coffee, coca-cola. Limit alcoholic beverages should. An exception can be made only for a dry red wine, which contains substances that prevent aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

We should not forget that human life is greatly reduced due to intoxication such as smoking and alcohol abuse.


Movement is life

Equally important, and physical activity. Lack of adequate physical activities leads to a reduction in basal metabolism - energy consumption cellular metabolism and function of internal organs. Especially hard to tolerate the lack of energy the heart muscle and the brain - these bodies can not exist without a constant supply of the required amount of "fuel". Lack of energy leads to disruption of cardiac function, dyspnea, edemas, which again helps to limit physical activity. Violation of brain cells leads to the development of dementia.

Moderate physical activities enable people to live to a ripe old age without serious diseases. For different people suit different exercise from walking or cycling to training table tennis, swimming and so on. It depends on the state of the cardiovascular system, the presence or absence of various diseases, the degree of fitness.


Push aging can favorite activity

It was found that the people enthusiastic in some case, age is much slower. This can be a favorite work, and after retirement - work in the country, beekeeping, care for the beloved grandson, any creative activity. It does not matter what a person is interested, the main condition is a passion in this business, and the feeling of being close to the people in need of it. If a person has a favorite activity, then it will always be in a good mood, and it is one of the basic conditions for the preservation of youth.

Galina Romanenko

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