natural sugar substitutes
 The desire to eat sweets without harming the health of more than understandable. And it is quite possible to do using natural sweeteners, ie eating natural sugar substitutes.


Maple syrup

For the preparation of maple syrup harvested vegetable juice, which is then heated and brought to a state of the concentrate. The taste of the syrup varies depending on the season and geographical location. Syrup generator serves mainly to pancakes and waffles Waffles: could not be easier  Waffles: could not be easier



 natural sugar substitutes
 Bees produce honey from nectar or honeydew. The taste of honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   affect the color and taste of colors. Using honey for cooking, heat it above 40 ° C, in which case it retains its properties.



Molasses is actually - the result of the refining of sugar cane or beet. This thick viscous syrup and used for the manufacture of candy, and in particular for the production of alcoholic beverages.



 natural sugar substitutes
 Stevia is extracted from the same plant. It exists in different forms: tablets, powders, sheets or in liquid form. At zero-calorie stevia and its regarded as a quality sweetener.


Agave syrup

Agave syrup produced in Mexico and often from different varieties of agave. With less concentrated and milder taste than honey syrup is a good sugar substitute for vegetarians. Combine the syrup is necessary with cold drinks such as iced tea, he quickly dissolved, and fructose gives even more sweets at a low temperature.



 natural sugar substitutes
 Fructose by its sweetening properties in the thirty to fifty times stronger than sugar. When cooking fruit dishes, it is used in the cold, but it should be noted that fructose causes appetite.


Cane syrup

When crystallization syrup brown sugar cane is produced under the name of raw sugar. Due to its unique taste of raw sugar is used in baking cakes. To prevent the hardening of the product, you just add a piece of bread or a quarter of an apple in a hermetically tight container in which it is stored.


Rice Syrup

For rice syrup is necessary to carry out the fermentation process of rice and whole barley. The interest in this sweetener with caramel flavor due to its mineral elements - potassium and magnesium. Rice syrup diet for athletes due to the different rate of absorption of glucose and maltose.


Birch bark extract (xylitol)

 natural sugar substitutes
 Birch bark extract (xylitol) has a flavor reminiscent of sugar, but the advantage of xylitol in the cooling effect and less calories. Xylitol is used in the manufacture of chocolates, breath freshening.



The product produced from lactose, tagatose, does not contain lactose. She is not afraid of high temperature, easy to caramelize, does not cause tooth decay, promotes the growth of bifidobacteria and two and a half times sweeter than sugar. Tagatose is contained in chewing gum, soft drinks, ice cream and confectionery.

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