tips on how to remove a double chin man
 The problem of double chin is found everywhere today, it has long has topped the priority of fat people or women aged. The main reason for the emergence of double chin in humans average build and those who are inclined to lean body type, doctors called the lack of muscle tone of the thoracic and cervical spine. How to remove a double chin man, do not have the extra time to visit the gym, help tips outlined in this article.

 Advice on how to remove a double chin man quickly and efficiently

Operation or training?

Surgical removal of double chin, at first glance, the most optimal and fastest way to get rid of him. However, plastic surgery - a method to which the doctors themselves are advised to have recourse as a last resort when all other methods have not given the desired effect. Among the most modern methods to eliminate double chin today known Mesodissolution - a kind of mesotherapy - and myostimulation Myostimulation  Myostimulation
   and lymphatic drainage Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty  Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty
   as variants of hardware cosmetology. By the way, after surgical removal of double chin exercise will still be necessary to prevent re-growth of it.

"Peacefully" to get rid of double chin allows a complex exercise, a diet low in fat and a range of beauty treatments aimed at improving the tone of the neck muscles. Physical training is to strengthen the skin and muscles of the neck and chin to help carry out special training equipment, tailored to activate all the necessary muscles. It is easy to do without the simulator - to achieve the desired effect quite regularly two or three special exercises, the time it takes a bit of the day, and the first results are felt after a week of classes.

 Advice on how to remove a double chin man quickly and efficiently

The psychological factor

The nature of man's psychology is that it seeks to solve the problem quickly, and - once and for all. And often considered it beneath his dignity to resort to the "women's things" like all kinds of creams and "light" gymnastics. How to remove a double chin man in this case? By reviewing their views on the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Personal care, care about their health and appearance - an indicator of a modern person, regardless of gender. And if a man gets rid of the discomfort, it in no way detracts from his manhood.

Sedentary lifestyles lead many men today because of their profession and the need to hold the lion's share of work at a desk in front of a computer leads to a "feminine" double chin. The best way to defeat the enemy - to beat his own weapon. That is, the exhaust for generations women's ways of struggle against excess chin.

 Advice on how to remove a double chin man quickly and efficiently

The most effective exercises and aids

The circular rotating head with a maximum amplitude: chin pressed against the chest, and then assigned to the right, over the right shoulder and throws back his head is given back to the starting position back over his left shoulder. Optimally, this exercise should be performed daily for about five minutes.

"Painting" - a pencil clamped between his teeth or regular floss, and use them in the air you need to write something (mobile phone number, ABC, your name). It is recommended that a couple of times a day.

Lifting his head up, push forward the lower jaw, giving even more strain on the neck muscles, and to fix this position for one to two minutes. Then, make a few circular movements of the head, flexing muscles and repeat the exercise. The number of approaches - to five, you need to do every day, too.

If you perform all the three above-described exercise, and do not forget to light pat on the neck after taking a shower, the muscles begin to "run" very quickly and the problem of double chin gradually come to naught.

Aids and a real help for ways to remove a double chin man will serve nourishing cream for skin elasticity - they must be applied after bath procedures and regular slaps, and limiting consumption of foods high in fat and spices.

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