 The term "Ayurveda" can be translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life" or "knowledge of life". Of course, this is not a science in the usual sense of the word. Ayurveda is a whole body of knowledge about life, about how to maintain health and spiritual balance. It may be called the science of happiness that does not involve explicit formulas, as well as any ancient philosophy that came to us from India, and is aimed at preserving the balance of power inside a person, and all over the world.


The Lost Civilization

According to legends Ayurveda has reached us, come a long way in a few thousand years of civilization of the Aryans, which has sunk into oblivion. Arias lived in the Northern Hemisphere and different from modern man the highest spiritual development, internal culture and amazing abilities that are constantly improved. For example, even the Aryans did not need a script, because all their knowledge, they were stored in his head. Why they vanished civilization - an unambiguous answer to this question does not exist. The most likely cause is called forced migration hemisphere, which resulted in a civilization has undergone negative changes and eventually was destroyed, leaving appeared because of the need written sources - the Vedas.


Man as a major part of life

It is believed that Ayurveda is the basis of all modern oriental systems of medicine based on knowledge of the chakras and energy circulation in the human body. According to Oriental medicine, we get sick from what we have disrupted the proper flow of energy that is in a healthy state freely moves through the channels within the body. This principle is taken from Ayurveda, which states that the basis of any physical illness or poor emotional well-being is a violation of the harmony that has occurred, for example, due to the fact that the man is too jealous or spiteful. If a person accumulates a positive energy, and then gives it to nature and environment, it can not hurt.

In Ayurvedic philosophy, a person is considered and how the smallest particles of the universe, and how its main component associated invisible threads with all the others, with the cosmos, with nature. Throughout his life, he gains experience, and because of his energy, he communicates with all that surrounds him, he is personally responsible not only for their own actions, but also their thoughts and feelings.

Since Ayurveda is a comprehensive knowledge of, its effect can be seen in many areas. Modern man, who wants to understand and accept for themselves Ayurvedic philosophy, you can access its various manifestations, which can be easily felt. Among them - a massage and nutrition system.


Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage is an important part of ancient Indian medicine. As in many other Eastern medical practices at the heart of this massage is knowledge of the energy flows that pass through the vital channels in our body, and any stagnation leads to an immediate deterioration of health.

For setting up on the way to a comfortable massage Ayurveda uses herbs and oils that together with relaxing music and dimmed lighting help to maximize relaxation.

During the procedure, the ayurvedic massage is gentle but effective stimulation of vital points, getting better lymph flow, relaxes muscles, reduces pain in the joints.

Through the use of essential oils combined with the study of tissue powerful aromatherapy effect. Even a single Ayurvedic massage helps to relieve stress, improve sleep, eliminate pain in the body, headaches.


Meals Ayurveda

The basis of the laws of supply is a system of Ayurveda doshas, ​​the difference between which specifies the need to eat differently. Dosh - is nothing more than a set of personal characteristics that determine a person's character and, in this case, his way of eating. Ayurveda distinguishes three doshas - vata, pitta, kapha.

  • Vata (wind) - light, chaotic, rapid. Her food: hot, humid, heavy, salty, sour, sweet.
  • Pita (fire) - the active, hot, oily, spicy. Her food: cold, aromatic, soothing, sweet, bitter, astringent.
  • Kapha (water) - heavy, thick, sticky, smooth. Her food: bitter, astringent, dry, warm, spicy.

In Ayurveda food need to be taken only when the arisen feeling of hunger Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
 , Chew it slowly, and just sitting in a relaxed atmosphere. Do not eat after sunset, as the product can not be saving, consuming only a quality food. The basis of Ayurvedic food grains and beans make up. Never overeat, it is desirable to always eat somewhat less than desirable.

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