• Breast when breast hurts
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 disease of the breast
 Breast as the disease has existed for over a hundred years. It is estimated that today there are no women, which would be missing certain features of breast lesions. According to the researchers, breast disease is diagnosed in 30-40% of cases, and in the presence of her gynecological pathology rate grows up to 58%. Causes of mastitis is still poorly understood, but the highlight of the event is considered to be in a hormonal imbalance. Although breast refers to benign breast lesions, in any case, it is necessary to diagnose and treat.

 Breast when breast hurts

The structure of the breast

Morfomolekulyarnoy unit of breast cancer is the alveoli. The alveoli are lined with a single layer inside the gland cells - laktotsitov, and outside of the alveoli are surrounded by a thin basement membrane. Laktotsity alveoli produce secret (breastfeeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
   milk). All the alveoli are channels that are coated with a single layer of epithelium. During lactation giperplaziruyutsya and they produce milk. About 150-200 alveoli are combined into a slice with intralobular ducts formed from fused alveolar ducts. About 30 - 80 slices together in a fraction of breast cancer, and intralobular ducts - in equity. The mammary gland consists of 15-20 shares with excretory ducts. Ducts open on the teat, receptors which are similar to other receptors of the skin. Between the lobes and lobules of the breast is connective tissue - a skeleton of the breast. Furthermore, in the mammary gland and adipose tissue has. The ratio between glandular, connective and adipose tissue depends on the physiological state of the reproductive system.

 Breast when breast hurts

What is the breast

Breast - a benign dishormonal breast disease, which is characterized by the appearance in the tissues of the prostate / gland seals and structures of various sizes, or single and multiple units. There are diffuse, nodular and fibrocystic breast disease Fibrocystic breast disease - one of the pathologies of the breast  Fibrocystic breast disease - one of the pathologies of the breast
 . The main symptoms of the disease include breast pain, nipple discharge occurrence and determining the seals in the mammary glands.

 Breast when breast hurts


The diagnosis of mastitis put based on history, complaints, clinical and palpation of mammary glands. Confirms the diagnosis of specific research methods. As a rule, women have a history indication and diagnostic curettage abortion, miscarriage, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, prolonged infertility.

Important diagnostic importance of breast palpation in the supine position and standing with consistent study all quadrants of the prostate. Necessarily considered squeezing peripapillary fields for the discharge from the nipple. Palpation of the breast in women with regular menstrual cycle is carried out in the first phase (ie one week after menstruation).

Among the special research methods are common radiographic, ultrasonic and morphological techniques (biopsy) of the study. Mammogram is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable  The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
   (the sixth - seventh day) in two projections. If necessary, designate aiming X-rays. X-rays can detect makrokaltsinaty and microcalcifications. Ultrasound examination is also carried out in the first phase of the cycle. Thermography breast reveals pockets of increased thermal activity. Also used needle biopsy followed by the study of the resulting content.

 Breast when breast hurts


It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of mastitis is a diet in which the limited intake of fat and salt. Body fat women produce estrogen and decreased use of fatty products will reduce the formation of adipose tissue. Salt causes fluid retention, leading to edema. Reducing the amount of salt in food will reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (swelling and engorgement). In addition, you must avoid stress and conflict situations, and regularly examine their own breasts. Also shown is the rejection of hormonal contraceptives.

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