Diet dash
 Diet dash is a relatively new trend in the power supply system. Its principles have been developed in the United States recently, but they have found a lot of followers, who are fully able to evaluate the effectiveness of this diet, seeming very simple. Behind this apparent simplicity lies a huge supply of US nutritionists work and experience of many patients struggling not only overweight, but mostly with high blood pressure.

That pressure reduction and return the body to normal operation is the main purpose of diet and weight loss - a pleasant "side effect" of this power.


Slow but sure

Those who know English, but not familiar with this diet, probably correctly interpret the essence of technique. Dash means "rushing", "sharp jerk," which allows you to interpret the dash diet as a way of eating that allows you to lose weight as soon as possible - the dream of all girls, vainly struggling with excess weight for the beach season. The reality of American power system is quite different. There were no jerks and violent calorie restriction it is not provided, but it laid great potential to deal with hypertension.

DASH - an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or "dietary approach to combat high blood pressure."

Hypertension wrongly considered almost a normal condition for the middle-aged people and even more so for overweight. Some physicians orient their patients on this erroneous psevdoaksiomu, offering to put up with hypertension and maintain good health by means of taking medication. American experts did not agree with this approach and developed a technique for food, which not only contribute to the well-being, but also helps fight high blood pressure, giving the body a chance at a normal life without taking medication. So a diet dash, is gaining popularity around the world.


Basic principles of diet dash

At the core power supply circuit according to this diet are simple to understand and confidently working principles that not only allow to cure hypertension, but also to reduce weight. Follow this diet is not as difficult as diet shocks to the critical reduction of daily energy intake. In fact it is not even a short-term diet and way of eating, which should be followed for life. The body will repay gratitude, normalizing all the processes, establishing the cardiovascular system and metabolism.

American scientists have found that even if a person is completely healthy, but his body receives insufficient amounts of calcium, potassium and magnesium, with time it can turn to a rise in blood pressure and chronic hypertension.

Another factor provoking hypertension slowly over time - excessive consumption of animal fats. They are found in dairy products and meat. Many people consume a lot of dairy products and meat, citing the high protein content, but this principle has a downside.

Negative impact on the weight and pressure of bad habits, such as the abuse of coffee, alcoholic and energy drinks, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle.

Offset any negative effects and to regain health without hypertension and with normal weight will help diet dash.

In this diet there is no clearly set menu, but rather the principle of power, to be followed, eliminating harmful products, and including enough useful.


Food for diet dash

The basis of the diet in the diet should be whole-grain dash, which saturate the body with energy, contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and resist stress due to the rich content of vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   Group B.

Vegetables and fruits should be up to five servings per day. Preference should be given to green vegetables and unsweetened fruit with low sugar content.

Nuts and beans - a source of energy and protein, they must be consumed in small quantities to five servings per week. A small portion of dried fruit can be introduced into the daily menu, replacing a portion of its fruit. Nuts and dried fruits need to learn to eat as a substitute for the usual sweets.

Milk and milk products should be limited. Milk, cheese, yogurt - low fat, because that's what they contain the highest amount of calcium. Cheese - not bolee50 Guards Day, solid grade.

Allowed to eat no more than 200-300 gnezhirnoy fish, poultry, beef Beef - Meat Guide  Beef - Meat Guide
   as a source of valuable protein. Discard the mayonnaise, sour cream and heavy cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 . Vegetable salads dressed with olive, flaxseed, grape seed oil in small quantities.

Volumes of vegetable fats should be reduced to a spoon of oil per day. Useful fats looking red fish, which rarely can afford afford.

Food not fry, braise or vegetables preferably have fresh fish and meat - stew or steamed with a minimum amount of salt, which in excess leads to edema, diseases of blood vessels and promotes the pressure.

Subject to the dash diet one should get up to 2000 calories that come only benefit. Over time, you'll notice the improvement of health, reduction of pressure and extra kilos.

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