• Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data
  • Why are there
  • Treatment

 diffuse changes of the pancreas
 Diseases called "diffuse changes of the pancreas," does not actually exist. But with ultrasonography (US) is often a doctor writes a report. What does this mean? First of all, that in the whole tissue of the pancreas have any changes. This is especially true for the exchange-dystrophic changes of the body.

 Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data

How does the pancreas

Pancreas (pancreas) - is the largest iron internal and external secretion, which is located on the back of the abdominal wall in the retroperitoneal space, it has a head, body, tail and front partially covered stomach. The head of the pancreas (the widest part) to the right of the spine, as if inserted into the inner curve of the duodenum. The body of the gland located in the front of the spine and left him and smoothly into the tail.

The thicker the pancreas passes its duct (pancreatic duct) in the direction from tail to head, exits from and opens into the wall of the duodenum at the top of its large (faterova) teat previously merged with the common bile duct (but in some cases the ducts are located duodenum own).

The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which is composed of enzymes digesting proteins (proteases), fats (lipases) and carbohydrates (amylase), - is its exocrine function. In pancreatic tissue are also endocrine glands, which secrete insulin, promotes the assimilation of glucose by tissues.

 Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data

What can be seen on ultrasound of the pancreas

Ultrasound of the pancreas is best done in the morning on an empty stomach, at least twelve hours after a meal - as in the stomach and intestines will be less gases that interfere with the study.

On ultrasound pancreas normally you can see the uniform fabric, to assess the degree of homogeneity, to calculate the size of the prostate, its shape. Evaluated as its echogenic structure, it may be normal, increased or decreased all over, that is, with diffuse changes. Thereafter, the physician draws the attention to the presence of any structures that differ in density from the pancreatic tissue. This may be cysts, tumors, stones and so on.

Diffuse changes of the pancreas suggests that its fabric has some changes, but that it is not visible on ultrasound, so there is no such diagnosis.

The presence of pancreatic stones, cysts, tumors, hemorrhages reflected in custody as a focal changes. The attending physician (surgeon, internist or gastroenterologist) on the basis of this conclusion may appoint additional types of studies (endoscopic, radiological, laboratory), and only then, given the clinical data survey and examination of the patient, establishes the diagnosis.

Since the pancreas is closely related to the biliary ways (they have a single duct that opens into the duodenum), disorders of this system is always cause reactive changes in the pancreas. So watch separately pancreas does not make sense - only together with the liver and biliary ways.

 Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data

The causes of pancreatic diffuse changes

Diffuse changes of the pancreas often develop at different metabolic and degenerative changes in the pancreas. These changes can occur when blood circulation in the area, violation of the liver and biliary tract, various endocrine and metabolic diseases.

In the elderly and in patients with diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
   glandular tissue of the pancreas decreases slightly in volume, and the missing amount is replaced by fatty tissue - the conclusion with the US sounds like diffuse changes of the pancreas by the type of increased echogenicity in the normal size of the organ. Treatment in this case is not required.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas by the type of increased echogenicity can be detected by ultrasound and uniform replacement destroyed pancreatic tissue connective tissue. The size of the pancreas while normal or slightly reduced. This is often a consequence of acute pancreatitis or prolonged exchange-degenerative disorders. If there is no phenomena of chronic pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis  Chronic pancreatitis
 , The treatment is also not required.

Diffuse changes of the pancreas is not any particular disease, it's just one of these diagnostic studies, to assess the value which should be the attending physician.

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