Dried pineapples
 The modern pace of life is not always possible to secure a regular hot meals - people are increasingly satisfied with junk food or "eating on the run." What kind of food prefer to eat? Dried pineapples, which are different sweet taste and pleasant aroma, successfully replace the candy, cookies and other confections and are certainly more useful product Eight useful products, which you thought  Eight useful products, which you thought
   for a snack between meals than the usual chips and crackers.

 Dried pineapple: a useful snack

Dried pineapples - benefits and harms

It should be noted that dried pineapples approximately seven times-calorie fresh: a hundred grams of delicious slice contains 347 calories. Still, even a calorie is lower than that of other products, which are used for snacking. In addition, the calories in cookies and chips nutritionists is often called "empty" - these products do not contain virtually no nutrients.

Dried pineapples are also sources of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, and B vitamins and fiber, beneficial for digestion. Also, dried pineapple help to get rid of the swelling, give strength and improve mood. Some doctors recommend a snack dried pineapple those who quit smoking - many smokers experience suggests that such sweet snacks reduce the craving for smoking.

If fresh pineapple fruit due to the high content of organic acids can not have all the dried fruit will not harm the health, although abuse these high-calorie foods still not worth it.

But a small amount of dried pineapples figure does not hurt, especially since this product is the sensation of hunger and satiates well due to its high fiber content.

Manufacturers often dissemble, claiming that dried pineapples are prepared exclusively from fresh fruit without any additives was. Actually pineapple before drying, typically soaked in syrup. Thus, often dried pineapples are not dried fruit and candied fruit. Natural dried pineapple, tend to be quite as hard disks intensely yellow What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous  What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
 . Cooked in sugar syrup fruits have a soft texture and a sweet taste. Calories of candied fruit, of course, also higher than the natural. Often, the sale can be found colored "pills", "sticks", "cubes" and "petals" with aromas of strawberry pineapple, papaya, pears and other fruits and berries. In the production of such spectacular candied used food coloring and flavoring.

 Dried pineapple: a useful snack

Sweet and sour chicken

Dried pineapples are used not only as a snack Low calorie snacks  Low calorie snacks
   or snacks - they can cook a variety of dishes as well as decorate cakes and pastries. Good pineapple and meat dishes, for example, combined with a delicate chicken.

For cooking you will need 4 chicken, 300 grams of dried pineapple cubes, half cup of semi-sweet wine, 150 grams of butter, salt, soy sauce, white pepper, a pinch of dried thyme and dried oregano teaspoon. Chicken fillet cut into small slices, coat with soy sauce and leave for twenty minutes. After this time, reheat in a saucepan half the butter and fry the chicken in it for five minutes. Add the diced pineapple and cook another four minutes. After that, pour the wine and simmer over low heat until the wine has evaporated. Put in a saucepan the remaining butter, salt, pepper, thyme and oregano, simmer for a few more minutes and serve. As a side dish to this original dish is ideal for sharp rice with vegetables.

Maria Bykov

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