How to gain weight
 While many people try to lose weight, there are those who are trying to dial it. Some extra kilos are required to dial in shape, and some - for personal reasons. To do this, each meal should consist of abundant and healthy food. Fatty meat and food - a great choice for those who need to gain a few extra kilos.

 How to gain weight: Calculate the base


Determine how many calories your body needs every day to maintain a weight .   To do this, you need to calculate the resting metabolic rate (RMR). You can find an online calculator, or use the equation Mifflin San Zheora.

RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g-161

w - weight in kg

s - height in cm

a - Age in Years

g - the floor - 1 for males, 0 for females

The amount of calories that should be consumed daily to maintain weight, is: RMR x 1 15 (e.g., RMR = 2000, therefore, the amount of calories equal to 1 x 2000, 15 = 2300).

Calculate how many calories you need to eat every day to gain weight. Add to the daily norm, at least 500 calories. If to maintain existing weight you need 2300 calories a day, try to eat a quantity of food that is for a total of 2800 calories. If you exercise or physical labor, add to your diet more calories to compensate for those that burn through physical activity. For example, a person weighing 60 kg for 30 minutes of intense weight training burns about 180 calories. On the day of training, he must add to its rate calculated in the previous step, an additional 500 + 180 calories.

 How to gain weight: Calculate the base

Change your diet

On the day you should have three solid meals and 2-3 snacks sufficiently dense. Instead of coffee, tea or diet soda drink cocktails, milk or juice. The basis of your diet should include the following products:

  • The bread - dense and heavy (whole wheat, oats, bran, wholemeal rye flour), it is more nutritious than white bread. Cut pieces of thicker and generously lubricate them with peanut butter, jam, honey, hummus or cream cheese.
  • Vegetables - Choose starchy vegetables (potatoes, peas, corn, carrots, winter varieties of squash, beets), and eat them with a water-based (broccoli, cauliflower Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table  Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table
 , Squash, is green beans, cucumbers).
  • Fruits - instead of water-based fruits (oranges, peaches, plums, berries, watermelon), choose fruits dense consistency (bananas, pears, apples, pineapple, dried fruit).
  • Soups - should prefer not soup, hearty soups and puree. If you suffer from edema and high blood pressure, should refuse to store soups and broths.
  • Fats - add a little more butter to the dish. The most useful are unrefined oil (cold pressed), for example, olive, coconut, palm, canola oil, and of course, butter. Less useful, but also acceptable sources of fat - is an oil rich in omega-6, such as safflower, sunflower and peanut. By harmful oils are those which contain hydrogenated oils, such as fats, are added to the shortenings and does not contain any nutrients, and soybean oil.
  • Spreads - toast, crackers, pita or any other carbohydrate foods, coupled with nutritious high-calorie sauces and pastes - a great way to increase your calorie intake. Even better spreads are added to the minced meat and fish.
  • Avoid harmful high-calorie foods. It is important to completely abandon the hydrogenated fats that increase the risk of various diseases. Foods that contain large amounts of fat - a pastry, cakes, biscuits, ready-made meat products, margarine, fats, added to the splendor of pastries, as well as ready meals.
  • Weight training. They not only help to convert additional calories not fat, and muscles, and improve appetite. The more muscle you will have, the better metabolism, and then every day you will need to consume more calories to maintain gain weight. If you strictly adhere to the training schedule, already during the first month you will be able to achieve amazing results. But be prepared for the fact that after the initial period of your weight will cease to grow. Bodybuilders call this period of transition. He runs after you analyze your weight and muscle weight, changing diet, that is, increase the portions, as well as to increase the weight of burdens.
  • Eat more protein. It plays an important role in the construction and repair muscle tissue. If you do not consume enough protein from food and protein supplements, you will not be able to gain weight and build muscle. Anyone who wants to gain more weight, should eat at least 2 grams of quality protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Eat nuts. Nuts - a great healthy snack. Therefore, carry nuts to hold snacks throughout the day. In addition, gain weight healthy and convenient way to help goat's milk.

 How to gain weight: Calculate the base


  • Drink more water.
  • Keep in mind that the rate of metabolism is influenced by many other things, such as whether you're sleeping enough. In addition, if you are suffering from diseases such as depression Depression  Depression
   or diabetes, or if you manifest their symptoms, it can also affect the body's ability to weight gain.
  • When we come to a new kind of training, the muscles of the body are often ache and sore (a syndrome of delayed muscle soreness). These pain - a natural phenomenon and should not stop you. Continue to exercise, and after 3-5 days, pain in the muscles disappears.

 How to gain weight: Calculate the base


  • Remember that in all you need to comply with the measure. Monitor the consumption of proteins and fats.
  • Too rapid weight gain can lead to the appearance of stretch marks and other damage to the skin tissues.
  • Eating too much of one product - more harmful than helpful. Make a balanced diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
 Consisting of meat, cereals and vegetables.
  • Take care of any exercise is your daily workout.

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