• Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical
  • Properties

 laundry soap
 There are many legends about the invention of soap. One of these legends relates his invention with the tradition of the ancient Romans sacrificed animals to burn on the tops of hills. When their remains - a mixture of molten fat and ash washed away by rain, the water enters the streams flow down, forming ponds where streams fell, foam. Women notice that this foam properly clean clothes better than plain water, and eventually hit upon the idea with which it is connected. In one of the most striking scenes of the film "Fight Club," Tyler Durden presents a somewhat different theory of the invention of soap, but in any case, probably because of the corpses discovered soap - animals or humans.

The first written mention of soap found in Pliny the Elder. According to its text, the soap was invented in Gaul, made of goat fat and beech ashes burned, and could be used not only for cleaning and washing, but also for hair dyeing Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   in red color. This is probably also the soap produced in liquid form.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical

The history of soap

Soap, which we call economic, also called Marseille - the first time it started producing in Marseille.

Soap industry appeared in Provence in the Middle Ages. This region produces the basic ingredients of soap - olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
   and salt. In the 16th century, Marseille became the first official soap manufacturer in France. In 1688, King Louis XIV issued a decree that prohibits the use for the manufacture of soap fats of animal origin; It was used only olive oil. Violation of this law man threatened closure of his case and the expulsion from Provence.

The Golden Age of Marseilles soap came in during the French Revolution, when it was a serious competitor of the British soap of palm oil, soap and Paris, the main ingredient of which was peanut butter. Soon these and other vegetable oils have started to arrive in Marseille and local soap factories began to develop new recipes for making soap.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical

The effect of

Soap - a natural product, to 60-72% consisting of fatty acids. It has a pleasant fragrance and colors that are common to many types of modern soap, but it has many other useful properties.

Many doctors recommend soap for problematic skin - it does not cause irritation, and has antibacterial properties. Soap can wash dishes and wash clothes - not only does it effectively washes pollution, but does not leave behind on the surfaces of potentially harmful substances.

Soap in contact with the soil is completely decomposed, and its production harms the environment is much less than the factory, which produced other types of soap.

Finally, the soap is very economical - it costs much less fragrant, liquid soap and shower gels.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical


In the first stage of production of soap saponification reaction takes place: in a big pot mixed oil and sodium hydroxide; The mixture is boiled for ten days at a temperature of about 120C. The product which is obtained at this stage is called soap adhesive. The mixture was then treated with a solution of sodium chloride, whereby it does not remain traces of sodium hydroxide. The resulting material should stand for two days, after which it is treated with clean water (this step was essential in the manufacture of the Marseilles soap, but now is not always used) and while the mixture is still hot (50-70), pour it into a large form in which it is over two days solidifies. After that the soap can be cut into pieces and sent for sale. The entire production cycle of the soap takes 14 days to a month. Since today soap often made of glutinous soap, processing time is significantly reduced.

Read more Properties

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