• Lymphadenitis - infection of the
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 Lymphadenitis - this term for infection of one or more lymph nodes. Typically, the infection occurs in the lymph nodes result infections began in other areas of the body.


Facts about lymphadenitis

In humans, about 600 lymph nodes, but the fingers can be normal to feel only the lymph nodes located under the jaw, in the armpits and groin.

A healthy lymph node - a small and hard. When an infected lymph node, they increase in size, and in the course of a medical examination the doctor can find the nodes located in various parts of the body.

Lymphadenitis pathogens may be bacteria, viruses or fungal organisms. To select the optimal method of treatment, it is important to know exactly where the infection entered the lymph nodes.

The most common type is a localized lymphadenitis lymphadenitis, which is characterized by infection with only one or a few lymph nodes located near the place where the infection started.

In generalized lymphadenitis infection occurs two or more groups of lymph nodes; This disease can be caused by an infection that spreads through the bloodstream.



The main symptom is lymphadenitis lymphadenopathy. Lymph node considered increased when its diameter is approximately 1.3 cm or more.

In addition, the lymph nodes may be soft to the touch and touching them is often painful. Perhaps the redness of the skin over the lymph nodes, and the formation of abscesses in the lymph nodes. When lymphadenitis may also have symptoms caused by the primary infection, such as sore throat, fever, night sweats, fatigue, or weight loss for no apparent reason.



First of all, the doctor will ask the patient about his symptoms and will examine, in the course of which will determine how much enlarged lymph nodes. It may also ask some additional questions, for example - whether the patient has traveled in the last month outside their country or region, if he had damage to the skin, contact with cats or other animals. Then, your doctor may prescribe a blood test that will identify possible infection. Sometimes used, and other diagnostic procedures, such as analysis of the fluid, which is pumped out of the lymph node, as well as the analysis of a sample of lymph node tissue.



Treat lymphadenitis need as soon as possible, because if the infection has already got at least one lymph node, it can quickly begin to spread to other lymph nodes and throughout the body. A method of treating lymphadenitis depends on the infection that caused this disease. Typically, in the therapy of this disease are used:

  • Antibiotics - orally or by injection, for the treatment of bacterial infections caused by lymphadenitis;
  • Medicines for pain relief and reduction of fever;
  • Drugs that reduce inflammation;
  • Operations for the drainage of abscesses.


Mesenteric lymphadenitis

When this species occurs swollen lymph nodes lymphadenitis Inflammation of the lymph nodes  Inflammation of the lymph nodes
   bowel mesentery; usually it is the result of an intestinal infektsii.chasche all its agents are viral infections, such as gastroenteritis.

Symptoms of mesenteric lymphadenitis:

  • Abdominal pain, usually - in the lower part and right;
  • Heat;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • General malaise.

Mesenteric lymphadenitis usually not dangerous, and quickly goes away on its own, but because its symptoms are similar to symptoms of appendicitis, with the appearance of these symptoms it is recommended to consult a doctor. Be sure to seek medical attention if symptoms lymphadenitis were a child or teenager, and if severe abdominal pain accompanied by loss of appetite, changes in motility and / or leads to sleep disorders.

Complications. Mesenteric lymphadenitis usually passes without treatment and rarely cause complications. However, if it is caused by bacteria in the absence of modern treatment of the bacteria can spread through the bloodstream and cause sepsis - a potentially life-threatening infection.

Treatment. In milder forms of mesenteric lymphadenitis doctor may restrict ourselves to observation of the patient. To relieve the symptoms it can be recommended intake of OTC analgesics and antipyretics such as ibuprofen or aspirin (children under 16 can not be given aspirin, because it can lead to development of Reye's syndrome - a rare but dangerous violations).

Adult patients often suffer mesenteric lymphadenitis easily, without departing from his usual activities. Kids until recovery is recommended more rest, drink plenty of fluids, as well as 15-20 minutes a day to put a hot water bottle to his stomach - it helps to significantly reduce the discomfort.


Chronic lymphadenitis

Although in most cases lymphadenitis passes rather quickly and without complications in some patients, it spills over into the chronic form. Most often suffer from chronic lymphadenitis people with weakened immune systems and children under twelve years. This abuse patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • Chills;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Difficulty swallowing and breathing;
  • General weakness.

To reduce the likelihood of developing chronic lymphadenitis, you must consult your doctor at the first signs of infection of the lymph nodes. For the treatment of chronic lymphadenitis is usually assigned long-term treatment with antibiotics or antifungal drugs. It is very important that patients take medications for as long as recommended by a doctor; otherwise relapse can happen, and sometimes develop antibiotic resistance.

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