• Natural Soap: how much is the purity?
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 natural soap
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 , Pay attention to packaging. In most cases, the word "soap" is not there, or supplemented in other words, such as "moisturizing soap", "cream-soap", and so on. The fact that a large part of what we call soap, today is actually detergents, detergents, natural substances which are substituted by synthetic. Use of these agents in the production of less expensive, but they may not be safe for the skin and, exactly, they are harmful for the planet.

 Natural Soap: how much is the purity?

What is harmful in the commercial soaps

Manufacturers commercial soaps usually removed glycerol, which is formed during the manufacture of soap. It is beneficial - glycerin then sell to other companies that use it for the production of moisturizing lotions and creams in which skin, dried soap desperately needs.

In addition, commercial soaps usually contain synthetic foaming agents, artificial colors, and a number of other chemical compounds. The antibacterial soaps often contain triclosan - toxic chemicals with carcinogenic properties. Manufacturers of soap with triclosan often claim that their products protect people from bacteria within 12 hours after washing. Thus, triclosan affects the body much longer than the 20 seconds required to wash their hands or face.

You should always remember that skin is easy enough to absorb everything that is in contact. With regular use of products, saturated with harmful chemicals, the chemicals accumulate in fat tissue and even in the brain. When the amount of toxins exceeds the body individually for each critical level can begin to develop the disease.

According to the research, some substances contained in the commercial soaps and other detergents, to penetrate through the filters of water treatment plants, and released into the environment. So, abandoning commercial soap or at least limit its use, you can kill many birds with one stone.

 Natural Soap: how much is the purity?


The obvious alternative is a commercial natural, organic soap. As a rule, it is sold very small companies or engaged in the manufacture of its part of the face. Of course, due to the nature of production is more expensive natural soap business, but it is one of his very few flaws.

 Natural Soap: how much is the purity?

Choose the right soap

If soap is called natural, it does not mean that it is right for you. To choose the right soap, you need to understand a little soap making process features.

There are three basic ways of making soap. The first can be described as "melt and pour on the forms." During manufacture exactly that - melt the soap base and poured it into molds. As a rule, it turns transparent soap with glycerin - it is not as harmful (usually) as commercial soap, but it's not what you need.

The other two methods - hot and cold methods of preparation of soap. In the first case after the saponification process occurred, the thermal effect is used in the second case - no. Production of soap cold process takes the most time, but that's how it turns out the soap of the highest quality. Conscientious manufacturers of natural soaps on the package, what means it was manufactured.

Now you need to remember about the ingredients. For the method of manufacturing a cold soap oils or fats are used, and liquor. The last ingredient may sound scary, but in the process of saponification removes all chilling properties of liquor. When liquor reacted with oils or fats, glycerol is formed. On the kind of oils and fats it depends on how soft or hard turn soap, and how well it will foam.

As in the case with a commercial soap, the choice of natural soaps need to read the information on the package. You need soap is made from organic oils or fats; if it added seeds or buds of plants, they must also be organic. Avoid soaps with artificial colors or flavors, no matter how attractive they may be.

Note the natural soap with bentonite clay. It is often used as a natural foaming agent, and moreover, that the clay is detoksifikatorom.

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