pea soup puree
 Peas very useful product Eight useful products, which you thought  Eight useful products, which you thought
 . Prized peas primarily large protein, which contains the essential amino acids for the body. Digestible vegetable protein is much better than beef. The rich culture of trace elements and carbohydrates.

Peas contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C and PP. It is composed of a manganese salt, potassium, phosphorus and iron. For example, iron in peas more than beef liver, peas so widely used for the prevention and treatment of anemia and other consequences of iron deficiency.

All these features ensure peas in a balanced diet of people of all ages, especially children and the elderly. The ideal food for children - Puree soup - thick homogeneous liquid, which is evenly distributed all the most useful. Especially delicious and healthy soup of mashed peas, containing protein, carbohydrates, and a long list of precious minerals. Learn to cook a soup, do not have to persuade a child to eat a spoonful of dad and mom.


Methods soup puree

It is best to feed children and the elderly fit pea soup Pea soup: medical and tasty  Pea soup: medical and tasty
   puree. Cook a soup can of dry peas, fresh, frozen or canned green peas, and various combinations of dry and fresh raw materials.

 pea soup puree
 Before cooking dried peas must be filled with water and leave to soak for four to six hours. You can leave at night. In the morning drain the water in the swollen peas add cold water and put the stew on low heat. The water should cover the peas for three to five centimeters. To seethe peas quickly to the state of mashed potatoes, add soda to the water, or about half a teaspoon of two to three liters of fluid. The foam that rises to the surface abundant pan after adding the soda is removed and discarded.

Soaked peas should boil 40-60 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary from time to time to stir, to peas is not settled to the bottom and not burnt.

At this time, peel and finely chop the onion and carrots (one at a time on a glass of dry peas), carrots can grate. Fry the vegetables in the vegetable oil until soft and add to the soup raw, when the peas are soft and begin to be boiled soft. At the same time, you can add the potatoes, cut into small cubes.

In the five minutes before the soup is salted and seasoned (bay leaf, pepper, greens). If peas are not fully seethe, soup can beat until smooth in a blender.


Green soup puree

 pea soup puree
 Soup of mashed green peas cooked faster. To this end, fresh or frozen peas filled with water. You can add potatoes. Vegetables filled with water so that water covered the peas one centimeter, bring to a boil and cook potatoes until tender. Slightly chilled soup in a blender is crushed into a puree. After that, the masses back into the pan, coupled with vegetable passirovkoy added salt and seasoning. Soup brought to a boil. Next, pour in the cream and mix well. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs. As an option - sprinkle with grated cheese or croutons.

Prepare soup and mashed potatoes from dry and green peas. In this case, green peas is added to the soup with potatoes and then boiled as described above.

Instead of cream to the soup, you can enter boiled milk or cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Processed cheese or grated cheese. The soup will get a gentle creamy taste. To make the puree interesting texture to the soup before the end, you can add chopped sausage, slices of cooked chicken or a few spoonfuls of pre-cooked green peas left.

Inna Zavadskaja


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