perfect skin
 Smooth and gentle ideal facial skin - the dream of almost all women. Even if nature is not awarded Woman classic features, beautiful skin makes a well-groomed appearance, sleek and incredibly attractive. But how to ensure that the skin began to perfect? It is not easy, but it is possible, you should only follow the simple guidelines.

 Perfect skin: simple guidelines

What can be called a perfect skin

Perfect skin should be smooth, soft, supple, well hydrated, matte, as if illuminated from within. About wrinkles, enlarged pores, pimple and black points are not out of the question.

Perfect skin has a smooth pleasant shade: no shadows under the eyes, and no redness of broken capillaries and pigmented spots. Perfect skin requires a healthy complexion from pure white to dark-skinned. But this person does not have to appear reddish, gray, earthy.

 Perfect skin: simple guidelines

Beauty from within

 perfect skin
 Skin care does not begin with the purchase of another (including very expensive) cream for the face and on the revision of the regime of the day. Lack of sleep - the enemy number one of the skin. Chronic lack of sleep - a major stress to the body, and this stress necessarily reflected in the skin under the eyes appear shade, and spoils the complexion. You must sleep at least seven and a half or nine hours a day - normal sleep is determined individually, but as a rule, it must be divisible by one and a half hours. It is advisable to go to bed early, to twenty-three hours: the metabolic processes in the body especially actively proceed with eight in the evening until midnight.

The skin is bad not just the lack of sleep, and poor diet, and bad habits. Smoking causes that complexion becomes grayish or yellow, blood circulation of the skin; Alcohol abuse causes rosacea (dilation of blood vessels in the epidermis) and swelling. No less harmful to the skin and exposure to secondhand smoke - better not be where smoke.

Proper nutrition is essential for health and beauty. Terms such food are fairly simple:

  • diet should be balanced, i.e. the menu should be present in carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • possible should abandon the various artificial products, such as carbonated soft drinks, smoked meats, canned goods, margarine, confectionery industrial production;
  • a day should eat at least five hundred grams of vegetables and fruits;
  • it is desirable to abandon the refined products and a daily menu to include dishes that are rich in fiber;
  • natural dairy products are very good impact on the digestive system and as a consequence - the state of the skin. It should only remember that the long-term storage yogurt to natural products does not apply;
  • there should be common, but portions should be small (ideally - the size of a fist, no more);
  • do not get involved in sugar, salt and hot spices.

Following these simple rules will lead to the stomach and intestines. As is known, locks lead to self-poisoning organism: primarily responds to digestive problems facial skin. If the gastrointestinal tract "runs like clockwork", the skin is cleansed and looks younger and fresher.

Doctors do not tire of repeating, that the day should drink at least two liters of water, but this simple recommendation, many for some reason forget to perform. Meanwhile, enough water is very important to moisturize the skin "from within". Such moisture may be even more effective than the outside moisture, i.e. using creams and masks.

Do not forget about vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and minerals. Many believe that all the necessary vitamins can be obtained from food, but this is not always the case, even if the diet is varied: modern products is not so rich in vitamins, as we would like. Therefore, winter and spring, with no additional vitamin complexes can not do. There are many facilities exclusively for beautiful skin - usually they contain vitamins A, E, C, and others.

 Perfect skin: simple guidelines

Proper care for perfect skin

Care consists of several basic steps: cleansing, toning, hydration, nutrition, protection. Clean the skin must be morning and evening. Cleansers, like any Face, should be chosen depending on skin type. Water for washing should be pleasantly warm in the end, you can rinse your face with cool water. By cleaning agents can be attributed to a variety of scrubs and peels - it helps get rid of dead skin particles.

After washing, it's time to tone the skin. About this stage, many for some reason forget, and in vain to rub the skin tonic takes less than a minute of time, and the effect of this procedure is magnificent. Tonics restores the acid balance of the skin after cleansing, narrow pores, slightly tighten the skin. Some tonics can be frozen and wipe the face with ice - it tightens the skin perfectly.

Hydration must absolutely any skin, including oily. Modern day creams not only moisturize the skin, but also protect it from adverse factors, such as sun and wind. It is important to remember that if the windows frost, moisturizers applied to the skin for at least one hour before leaving the house, otherwise they will carry the skin is not good, but harm.

Nourish the skin, usually thick night creams. In the dream, the best skin to absorb nutrients. In addition, periodically (at least once a week) is to do a hydrating mask for the face: such means very concentration and skin after they literally transformed. In addition to manufacturing the masks can use home, for example, egg yolks, honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , Sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Cottage cheese, strawberries, bananas, grapes and many other products.

Maria Bykov

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