Perfume with pheromones
 Pheromone glands produce many animals - in order to attract partners. Today, however, they are synthesized and sold as a kind of love potion - it is believed that the spirits with pheromones increases the sexual attractiveness of a person.

Generally, perfumes with pheromones are selling is not the first year, but the latest studies make them more effective and desirable than ever before. Knows this, for example, Paris Hilton - her perfume line, there are spirits with pheromones.

However, the effectiveness of such spirits in doubt. Winifred Cutler, a biologist and owner of the company, engaged in the manufacture of perfumes with pheromones, says that their products - probably the only one whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. According to her, her spirits production company, 17 g of which, by the way, costs about $ 100, operate in 75% of cases.

Some scientists are skeptical. According to some of them, a person can help the very knowledge that he sprinkled the liquid, which in theory would make it more sexually attractive. This placebo effect - the belief that the means of action leads to positive results, although the tool has got nothing to do with it. However, even if the synthesized pheromones really work, they could hardly be the sole factor of attractiveness. We choose partners on many criteria, and smell - only one of them.

 Perfume with pheromones - a secret weapon for the meeting?


To test whether pheromones help to find a partner, following experiment was performed. Two pairs of twins a little over twenty years old, male and female, went to the "speed dating» (speed dating). Each of them was given a bottle of perfume, so that one of the twins battered spirits with pheromones from Winfred Cutler, and the other - simple spirits, and no one knew who was going on a date, exuding the aroma of pheromones. Male and female pair of twins: Bridget and Sarah and Dave and Paul during a party attended by a dozen dates, each of which lasted five minutes. After all, who participated in dating, completed questionnaires, it was found that nine out of ten men would like to meet again with Sarah and Bridget - five out of ten. Dave wanted to meet ten out of ten women, and Paul - a total of six. It was Sarah and Dave, not knowing it was used to date the spirits with pheromones.

 Perfume with pheromones - a secret weapon for the meeting?

Can pheromones increase the attractiveness of people over forty years

Someone may say that young people without pheromones can be quite easy to find a partner. But whether the perfume with pheromones help older women? This question is all the more urgent that women after forty years to develop pheromone decreases.

In one study of two women over forty years asked for three months to use perfume with pheromones Perfume with pheromones for women: the secrets of seduction  Perfume with pheromones for women: the secrets of seduction
   and to keep a diary, noting the changes, or lack thereof. One of the women in a couple of weeks, said that she often have noticeable signs of attention in public places, and a month later she went on a date three or four times a week, which she described as a notable breakthrough in their personal lives. The second subject, initially skeptical of spirits with pheromones, a month noted that the spirits could act better, but three months later, she had a permanent partner.

Thus, we can conclude that the spirits with pheromones still operate, though not perform miracles. Ethical their use - an issue that everyone must decide for himself. But in the end, only you can help pheromones to attract a mate - but not to keep.

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  • Pheromones
  • Perfume with pheromones for women: the secrets of seduction
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