potassium products
 One of the biggest challenges of modern power - too much sodium, too little potassium. Research suggests that increasing potassium intake and reduced intake of salt and sodium can reduce the risk of stroke by 21%, and can reduce the risk of heart disease. Potassium in foods can help you achieve this goal.


How to get more potassium

Potassium mineral protect blood vessels from oxidative damage, and prevents thickening of the vessel walls. Adults should aim to eat 4, 7 mg of potassium per day. Excessive intake of potassium, usually in the form of supplements, can be dangerous, so try to get potassium from eating healthy, if the doctor did not prescribe you otherwise.


Sweet potatoes

Surprisingly, it was sweet potatoes instead of bananas, tops the list of foods rich in potassium. One sweet potato contains 694 mg of potassium and only 131 calories, plus a lot of fiber, beta-carotene, as well as carbohydrates, charging the body with energy. Baked, roasted, grilled sweet potatoes, mash it, and stuffed with sweet potatoes - one of the most useful and delicious food.


Tomato sauces

Fresh tomatoes - that's fine, but the tomato paste and puree - are the best sources of potassium. A quarter cup of tomato paste contains 664 mg of this vital mineral, while half cup of tomato sauce contains 549 mg of potassium. Tomato juice contains more than 400 mg of potassium. So if you love to cook dishes with tomatoes, and you want to get more potassium often cook spaghetti with tomato sauce.


Beet tops

If you throw beet tops, it's time to quit. These green leaves are slightly bitter if they cook, take pride of place in the table of foods rich in potassium, because in half a glass of beet tops contains 644 mg of potassium. Beetroot rich in antioxidants, raw or cooked, is also an excellent source of folate.



White beans has a leading position when it comes to products that are rich in potassium, because one glass of white beans contains about 600 mg of potassium. But the red kidney beans, lima beans, lentils and split peas - it is also a good source of potassium. All beans good for your heart, and are among the top 20 foods sources of fiber, so they should be given a more important role in the diet.



One glass natural low-fat yoghurt contains about 580 mg of potassium, and low fat milk, whole milk and buttermilk - somewhat less. Yogurt can be eaten for breakfast with cereal bread, use it instead of mayonnaise, salad refill them, and replace them with whipped cream. Plus, yogurt contains probiotics, natural bacteria, which improves digestion and gut health support.



80 g of fresh or canned shellfish contain about 530 mg potassium, and have the highest concentration of Vitamin B12 in comparison with all other foodstuffs. Cook the pasta with seafood or traditional English dishes - steamed clams with a side dish.



Prunes - a great source of potassium. In ¾ cup prune juice contains 530 mg of potassium, and half a glass of prune puree contains about 400 mg. You know that prunes well regulated chair, but you might not know is that if you eat more plums, it will also help to strengthen your bones. One study, during which a woman who ate 10 dried plums daily, showed that the bone density have been significantly higher than in women who ate dried apples.


Carrot juice

Carrot juice will help you to consume more potassium, because ¾ cup of carrot juice contains more than 50 mg of this mineral. Besides the fact that carrot juice is rich in potassium, carrots and other fruits and vegetables orange What color blends orange: bold and calm combination  What color blends orange: bold and calm combination
   very useful for the eyes and vision.



Molasses - is an alternative to sugar and other sweets, rich in nutrients. One tablespoon of dark, thick syrup contains about 500 mg of potassium, as well as large amounts of iron and calcium.



Halibut and tuna contains almost 500 mg of potassium per serving (85 g), but cod, and even a rainbow trout that are bred on farms, too, are rich in potassium. But potassium - is not the only reason why you need to eat more fish and seafood. Studies show that regular consumption of fish (no fish supplements) can increase life expectancy, and a diet rich in fish and may even reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 35% (according to research by Harvard University).


Soya beans

Soy products did not been processed (green soybeans, but not soybean powder) are an excellent source of protein and compete with inflammation in the body. Plus, half cup of cooked soybeans contain almost 500 mg of potassium.


Large pumpkin

Large pumpkin Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy  Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy
   (eg, pumpkin, spaghetti) - is the dream of those who are sitting on a diet. It contains only 50 calories per serving, also rich in vitamin A and fiber. But a large pumpkin is also an excellent source of potassium 448 mg per half cup.



When it comes to foods that are rich in potassium, everyone is thinking about bananas. One medium banana contains 400 mg of this mineral good for the heart. In addition, bananas perfectly satisfy hunger Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
 It is rich in resistant starch, useful carbohydrates that nourishes you and helps to speed up metabolism.



Milk - it is also a source of potassium in a glass of skim milk or buttermilk contains 382 mg of potassium. If you do not like milk, try adding the calcium-rich foods in smoothies and milkshakes.


Orange juice

Orange juice - one of the most useful components of the breakfast. ¾ cup of juice contains 355 mg of potassium. Orange juice, especially fresh, it is a good source of calcium, folate, and many B vitamins

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