• The anti-inflammatory diet - all you need to know
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 anti-inflammatory diet
 Inflammation is believed to experts, the cause of many serious diseases, as well as because of it, you may feel tired and be in a bad mood. But there is a way to counteract this. The anti-inflammatory diet means eating foods deep processing of pure, more nutritious varieties such as fatty fish, quinoa and rye bread. For the benefit of the health check and all that you need to know on the subject.

When we think of inflammation on the surface of the body, we mean the redness and irritation of the skin, swelling, burning and heat, but what do we know about the internal inflammation?

Chronic inflammation - a way your body to show that it can be cured. This is a natural process of switching your immune system for more power directly source of the problem - whether it is necessary to heal the wound, protect us from infection or heal a broken bone.

But sometimes your body is going through chronic inflammation, with no apparent reason for it, and at this time it may become susceptible to diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Here are five of the perpetrators:

  • Stress
  • Shortage or lack of exercise
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Toxins (e.g., secondary smoke)
  • Poor diet

Do not worry, with the right strategy and setting, you can deal with this problem. The anti-inflammatory diet is the perfect solution. Not only that, this way of eating helps to eliminate chronic inflammation, it will also give you more energy, vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 , Minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber and help you lose weight. Here's all you need to know about the anti-inflammatory diet - let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.


What is the anti-inflammatory diet and how it works

Clinical nutritionists and health experts believe that all health problems that end in "-it", including arthritis, colitis, dermatitis, have as their cause of inflammation, but many other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease are now also considered to have an inflammatory factor as one of the reasons.

That's where the anti-inflammatory diet can help. This philosophy is based on two principles - in fat and sugar. Some fats are considered to cause inflammation, and some, on the contrary, anti-inflammatory. Fatty foods with "bad" fats can be harmful to our health, but "healthy" fats, such as an organic whole milk, butter, eggs and coconut oil are the few examples of fatty foods, which can be really helpful to us.

What about sugar? The use of food and drinks high in sugar leads to the fact that in the body there is more sugar than we can burn, it gets into the bloodstream, which then leads us to the health problems (one of the symptoms - fatigue after four o'clock in the afternoon). This in itself can cause inflammation. You may also feel tired, you are not able to concentrate, become more prone to headaches and want more sweet to repeat the destructive process. You need a new way of eating.


What are the benefits of this diet

In general, this diet aims to switch to high-quality products, also have anti-inflammatory effects, and learn to make the right choices. Everything is so simple. Thus, the enjoyment of a healthy balanced diet, exclusion from the diet of processed foods and increasing the consumption of anti-inflammatory agents will improve your health and bring it at the optimum level. It is difficult to disagree.

Reduce your intake of processed and refined foods, and reducing the amount of saturated fat and sugar, you are more likely to increase your energy, your skin will become clearer, mood and concentration - better, and weight decrease. You can also reduce inflammation in the body and protect the health not only now but in the future. Is not that a good enough reason to adopt this diet?

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