diet in diabetes
 Diabetes - a disease characterized by insulin deficiency in humans. Insulin is produced in the pancreas by special glands called beta cells. This hormone acting as a conductor of glucose from the blood plasma cells, the body needs for complete digestion of carbohydrates. Patients suffering from diabetes, do not produce insulin, which leads to an increase in blood sugar. At the same time the body loses its ability to properly use the carbohydrates from food. Cure of the disease is virtually impossible, but proper nutrition, along with insulin injections, is one of the main directions in the treatment of diabetes and to prevent worsening of the disease.

Choosing the right diet for diabetes does not create a burden on the weakened pancreas and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body. The key to the diet in diabetes is to limit the consumption of carbohydrates. It is important to note that the restrictions are not so much quantitative as qualitative.

The fact that carbohydrates are different in structure and are characterized by different speeds assimilation. Accordingly, the increase in blood sugar levels during consumption of certain carbohydrates is not the same. Simple digestible carbohydrates, monosaccharides are rapidly increasing glucose levels, so they eat when diabetes can not be. Consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities will cause a very sharp rise in plasma glucose concentration and can cause hyperglycemic coma.

This does not mean that sugar products can not be used at all. According to modern views, sweetened products may be included in the diet, but in very limited quantities agreed with other carbohydrate rich ingredients and dosage. For example, the bulk of confectionery products such as sweets, cakes, biscuits, jams, chocolate (especially white and milk), as well as sodas, include a large number of easily digestible sugars. These products use in patients with diabetes can not. Instead of sugar, you can use sugar substitutes. Natural sweeteners made from fruits and berries, use is limited, as in large quantities it can also cause a rise in blood glucose. Artificial sweeteners have no effect on plasma glucose concentration and can be used without restrictions.

Complex carbohydrates, polysaccharides are absorbed slowly or even eliminated from the body unchanged. Products containing these carbohydrates may be included in the diet. The diet of the patients should be two types of carbohydrates, so it is very useful, for example, fruits and vegetables. The information contained in these fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates and glucose from fruits and vegetables is absorbed gradually. Also in the diet can include bread (protein for diabetics, rye), some cereal - oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, millet and others.

No less important goal of the diet in diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
   It is to reduce fat intake. Fats contribute to weight gain and increased cholesterol Cholesterin  Cholesterin
   in blood. Excessive fat intake can seriously affect the development of diabetes, so these patients do not eat too much fatty food. As fat for cooking is recommended to use butter, sunflower oil and olive oil, that is, products of vegetable origin. The maximum limit consumption of fatty meat, sausages, cheese, sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Cream.

The worst option is foods that contain large amounts of both fat and digestible carbohydrates. These products include ice cream, chocolate, cream-filled foods: cakes, pastries, sweet rolls, and others. Such products should be completely excluded from the diet.

Diabetics should limit the use of alcohol. This is because the alcohol blocks the process of destruction of insulin, and in conjunction with the administration of the hormone can cause hypoglycemia (a sharp decrease in blood sugar). Especially dangerous is the use of alcohol on an empty stomach.

Diet and characteristics of the products in the diet should be selected so as to prevent abrupt fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Meals should be regular, without long breaks. Do not eat food that is poorly absorbed. The most appropriate for patients with diabetes is considered a six-power. When compiling a diet should provide a gradual increase in the number of incoming carbohydrates for dinner and a gradual decline in the diet at the end of the day. The number and distribution of carbohydrates in time must necessarily be consistent with the schedule of medication.

Zhiguli Andrew

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