• Liposuction: How to remove the excess fat
  • Myths

 Liposuction - a kind of aesthetic surgery, which is carried out to remove the fat from those areas where a person can not cope with fatty deposits themselves. Most often, liposuction of the abdomen Liposuction of the abdomen  Liposuction of the abdomen
 , Thighs, buttocks, neck, arms. It is best suited to people with normal weight but have some problem areas. In addition, it gives the best results, if the operation is carried out in those areas where the skin is sufficiently elastic.

Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss, it can help treat obesity, or you can not get rid of excess weight. It also is not an effective means for cellulite removal Cellulite  Cellulite
   or stretch marks Stretching - Get a wasted no time  Stretching - Get a wasted no time
 . Finally, liposuction is only recommended for those who have already tried to get rid of fat in problem areas by other means - diets, special exercises, massage, and so on. In addition, liposuction can be used in the following cases:

  • Lymphedema - a condition in which lymph accumulates in tissues and not derived from them, as is the norm. This causes swelling, numbness, discomfort and, in some cases, infection. Most often, lymphedema affects the hands and feet. Most often it occurs in women who are under the treatment of breast cancer have removed the lymph nodes in the armpits. This may result in chronic swelling of hands. Liposuction is used to relieve pain, discomfort and swelling, but it is recommended only in severe cases. After such an operation, the patient will have to wear a compression bandage.
  • Gynecomastia - a disorder in which men appear deposits of subcutaneous fat in the nipples. The causes of gynecomastia can be hormonal imbalance or taking certain medications. Liposuction can be used to remove fatty deposits on the skin of the breast.
  • Lipodystrophy syndrome. In this disorder subcutaneous fat accumulates in one body part, and practically disappears from the other. This can be a side effect of certain drugs used in HIV therapy. Such a redistribution of body fat can cause noticeable changes in the human form, and this often leads to psychological discomfort. With liposuction may be partially correct the problem, but in most cases to achieve good results, and other necessary operations.
  • Severe weight loss. If a person is under the treatment of obesity lose a significant part of the extra kilos, for correction, among other operations, it may be necessary and liposuction.


How is liposuction

Before agreeing to liposuction, the physician should conduct a survey, make sure that the patient has realistic expectations, and does not have contraindications to surgery. Two weeks before liposuction should not take aspirin or any anti-inflammatory drugs. Women are sometimes also recommended to stop taking the combined contraceptive contraceptives. Those who suffer from anemia may be recommended supplementation with iron. Smokers, patients should refrain from smoking for a few weeks before liposuction.

Immediately prior to surgery on the patient's body marker mark areas of the body with which to remove the fat. Occasionally, patients are asked to take a picture of the vacuum, so you can compare what he looked like before and after surgery, and objectively evaluate the results.

In most cases, liposuction is performed under general anesthesia, but if the fat is removed only in the lower part of the body, can be applied epidural anesthesia. Local anesthesia is suitable only in cases where liposuction is performed on very small plots.

After anesthesia will work in areas which have to operate, is administered a saline solution and adrenaline - it reduces blood loss and edema after surgery.

In some cases, fatty tissue prior exposure with a laser or a powerful jet of water - this makes it easier to remove the fat. The surgeon then makes a small incision in the skin, or more cuts - if the operation is carried out on a sufficiently large area of ​​skin. Contrary introduced small tube connected with a special pump. With this tool, pumped oil, whereupon the incision is closed.

Most patients can go home within a few hours after the surgery, but sometimes they need to stay in hospital overnight. Immediately after surgery, patients are given antibiotics to reduce the risk of infections. Most patients also required lung analgesics to relieve pain after liposuction. Those who have a history of anemia should also take iron supplements.



Within a few weeks, patients should wear elastic bandages or corsets in those areas of the body where liposuction is performed; they can be removed only briefly to take a shower or wash. Ideally you should have two corset or bandage that you could wear one while the other wash and dry. Do not stop wearing the corset without the permission of a surgeon.

Sutures are removed about a week after liposuction. If the operation is carried out on a vast area, the patient can return to work after about ten days, if on a small area - you can start working in two or three days. However, in any case, should refrain from intense exercise for four weeks after surgery. However, walking and other moderate loads are usually not contraindicated.

Bruising and swelling in the treated area may persist from a few weeks to six months.

Finally, evaluate the results of liposuction will be possible only after post-surgical swelling will be completely - that is, a few months later. To save the result, it is necessary to take measures to maintain a healthy weight.

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