High temperatures not only an indicator of disease or a serious failure in the body, but sometimes a cause for panic to those who do not know how to bring down the temperature in the home. There are many ways to handle this situation.
What is the highest temperature
Increased body temperature - it is a natural way of dealing with the disease and the body's infection, which everyone experiences at some point in life. If a child is ill, and he had a high fever, usually he feels anxiety, irritation and discomfort.
While moderately elevated temperatures - is a natural process, and is not usually a serious concern for adults, it is important to note that even a slight fever in infants and young children may indicate a serious infection.
In addition, high temperatures in young children can quickly become dangerous, leading to complications such as a febrile seizure, if left untreated.
It is therefore important to monitor the body temperature of a child, though it is important to note that you should always find out the reason for the fever, and treat it as soon as possible.
Diagnosis of fever
Normal body temperature - about 36, 6ºC. Fever - is a condition in which the rectal temperature rises above 38, 0ºC.
If you suspect that your child has a fever, the safest and most accurate way to define it - to measure its oral (mouth) or rectal (rectal) temperature electronic thermometer. Oral temperature is less precise, and children younger than one year, this method does not measure the temperature of the solution.
By measuring the baby's temperature rectally, lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly and insert it into the rectum at 1-1, 5 cm. Hold the thermometer for the necessary time.
Oral temperature to be measured by placing a thermometer under the tongue. After use, always wash the thermometer with warm soapy water or wipe with rubbing alcohol.
Call the doctor if the child's temperature rises above 39ºC, and does not decrease despite treatment. If the child is less than one year, and the temperature has risen above 37, 8ºC, are advised to contact your pediatrician.
What causes fever?
In most cases, fever is caused by a disease or infection. When the immune system is fighting infection, it generates heat, causing the temperature to rise. Furthermore, hypothalamus (which acts as a thermostat in the body) increases the core body temperature.
Increased body temperature helps the immune system to rid the body of disease because viruses and bacteria that cause the multiply in a cool environment, and usually can not tolerate high temperatures.
Causes of fever may be different from the usual teething
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infants to more serious conditions such as pneumonia, sore throat, sunburn
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or heat stroke.
It may even be the result of taking certain medications, including some antibiotics, drugs to lower blood pressure, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. Therefore it is always important to control fever, and seek medical help if the temperature rises rapidly, or is reduced to be able to make a correct diagnosis.
Help with fever
How to bring down higher temperature will depend on the reason that caused it, and how the temperature is high. Some doctors opposed to shoot down the temperature, because it interferes with the natural response of the immune system to fight off viruses and bacteria. However, if the temperature rises in infants and children, must always be careful, because they can be dangerous fever.
The usual treatment
Generally, the temperature shot down such drugs as paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin. It is important to note that aspirin should never be given to children because it can cause serious side effects, including potentially deadly Reye's syndrome, which causes inflammation of the brain, and vomiting.
Domestic measures
Parents can control the temperature of a sick child with a cool compress, as well as giving the child to drink plenty of cool fluids. Young children and infants because of the fever can develop very quickly dehydrated, so it is advisable to give them fluids that contain electrolytes.
Another way to reduce the temperature - baby wipe with a sponge soaked in water at room temperature, or make him a bath of water at room temperature. Make sure the water is not cold. Quickly remove the child from the water and wipe it dry, if it trembles as shivering increases body temperature.
The child must get plenty of rest. As the heat is usually the result of infection, the baby needs a lot of rest and sleep to fight off viruses and bacteria that cause infection.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies for high temperatures
Herbal and homeopathic remedies - is another way to reduce heat gently and effectively without the risk often associated with medication. These herbal ingredients like Yarrow and meadowsweet long been used to reduce fever and relieve a number of symptoms, usually accompanied by fever.
Another useful herb that can also be used to help reduce the temperature - it passionfruit. It helps to reduce irritability, anxiety and pain, helping sleep. As the heat is usually caused by an infection, it is also useful to use herbal ingredients that support the immune system: Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus membranous.
Here are some ways to reduce the temperature of the home:
- Add half a cup of vinegar in the bath with water at room temperature, take a bath for 5-10 minutes.
- Brew and drink three - four times a day herbs such as peppermint, elderberry and yarrow.
- Tie slices of raw onion to the bottom of each wrapped legs warm blanket.
- Apply to the forehead a towel soaked in warm water with vinegar.
- Add a cup of hot water a teaspoon of mustard seeds, boil for 5 minutes, then drink.
- Cut the potato into slices, soak them in vinegar for 10 minutes. Place the potato slices on the forehead, cover with a cloth. After 20 minutes, you should become easier.
- Put a slice of lemon on the sole of the foot, from top to put on damp cotton sock. He put on a woolen sock. You can moisten the two napkins in egg white, put on the soles of the feet, top to wear socks.
- Heat a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil
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and two large cloves of crushed garlic. Grease mixture soles of the feet, wrap in cellophane, leave overnight.
- Soak the raisins (25 pieces) in half a glass of water. Chop the raisins in water, strain. Add the juice of half a lemon. Drink this mixture twice daily.
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